Nice to see that I'm not the only one who isn't crazy about Let It Be. Maybe I'm wrong, but I always thought that it was a fan favorite. The first side is really good but the rest is just OK I think. Except Get Back, which is awesome.
Let it Be, the album is meh.
Let it Be, the song is fantastic.
I just don't think the songs are as strong.
Excellent choices, songs further metalicized by the Who (Live At Leeds) and, of course, Van HalenSabbath, Purple, Zeppelin in the 70s of course...
But I would say the roots of metal started in the fifties when some artists started using distortion and then grew from there...
Songs like this, in my opinion, are prototype Metal songs:
But I would say the roots of metal started in the fifties when some artists started using distortion and then grew from there...
That is pretty awesome! Though, with seeing The Beatles Anthology many times over, I don't know if those little docs would be anything new to me to be honest.Not sure if you have ever seen it but it's really great. It's a very indepth look at their history from beginning to end.