SYMPHONY X SURVIVOR 2015: Results -> The Odyssey wins!

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I was pretty disappointed when Iconoclast was released. If you can get past the lyrics (and if you enjoy Symphony X, you probably can), half of the album is very strong. There's a few so-so songs in there, too, but the overall vibe of the album has very little of the old Symphony X magic to it. Sure, the polymetric stuff makes a BIG return here (especially after Paradise Lost, which has ONE polymetric section), but the synthetic cliche "machines ruling the world" was just too much for 12 songs.

The best songs here are, in my opinion, the ones that use organic grooves mixed in with the synthetic stuff. Heretic and Prometheus are some of the coolest "aggressive" songs the band has ever written if you ask me. The title track and Reign (with that sweet Opeth section) are excellent bookends that encapsulate the album efficiently, but unfortunately there's four or five tracks within that just sound stale for this band...

Bastards of the Machine - The verses are Dio-ish and catchy as hell. The rest sounds like it was written in 10 minutes.
Children of a Faceless God - I like the main groove, I really do. But this song just plods along and goes nowhere. The chorus is boring for Symphony X.
Electric Messiah - People love this song, and it's intense, and it's "fun," I guess... but I like my Symphony X with less X and more symphony.
Light up the Night - Written in five minutes? Truly one of the worst songs this band has ever done.
Lords of Chaos - Slightly better than the previous debacle, but this sounds like djent. The bridge is cool and sounds like Dio, though.

Honestly, I was debating throwing End of Innocence and When All Is Lost into that list, but they have slightly more redeeming qualities. The former is a very safe and commercial power metal song that is decent but never really takes off, while the latter is good by itself but stale, straightforward, and boring when compared to the band's pre-Paradise Lost ballads.

The other five songs are some of my favorites the band has ever done. Yes, even Dehumanized, which has some nu-Symphony X elements. But I love the groove. Polymetrics are all OVER this album!
Welp, here goes.

Although some songs actually got much higher ratings after listening through it a couple times, and although this album still gets a very solid rating of 7.7/10, it is definitely my least favorite Russell Allen SX album (meaning the second worst album of their career). Here's my thoughts on the album track by track after heavy analysis...

  • Iconoclast - 8/10. Pummeling and intense, but ultimately has very little dynamics other than LOUD 'N FAST. Also, that chorus is unacceptably lame.
  • End of Innocence - 9/10. A very catchy, upbeat song with some fun keyboard work. The verses are harsh, the chorus is big, and I absolutely adore the vocals in the bridge. Better than I remembered it being.
  • Dehumanized - 10/10. One of the best songs on this album. It's very modern and doesn't sound much like SX, but it's a hell of a tune. The riffs during the chorus are so damn catchy. Also, Romeo's soloing here is off the charts.
  • Bastards of the Machine - 6/10. I love the pace of this song, but another dreadful chorus and tough guy shouting from Russell during the bridge/outro ruin it. It's unfortunate because the verses are goddamned amazing and Dio-esque.
  • Heretic - 8/10. Used to be one of my favorites off the album, but it's very one-dimensional. That repeat of the main riff after the bridge completely kills the momentum, it should have gone straight back into the chorus.
  • Children of a Faceless God - 9/10. I truly love this song, even though I know most fans do not. The groove is incredible and I think the chorus (though simplistic) is one of their catchiest ever. The riffing at the end of each chorus line is probably my favorite moment on the whole album.
  • When All Is Lost - 10/10. This song finally clicked with me today. It's no Accolade or Communion, but it's the most beautiful piece of music here and Russell sounds incredible. That Maideny riff in the bridge is perfection. Some bad lyrics, though. Oh well, it's the best this album can get.
  • Electric Messiah - 8/10. I finally see why so many people like this song. It's not my favorite, but it's definitely memorable and catchy. Russell's outro chorus is fantastic. This rose by two whole points on this relisten.
  • Prometheus (I Am Alive) - 9/10. Always loved this song and its rating has not changed. It's not perfect, but I love it. The intro is so trippy for the album that it's a nice change of pace. The verses aren't my favorite, but the chorus is nice and again Romeo has some great melodic soloing and the groovy riffing after each line of the chorus is really cool.
  • Light Up The Night - 2/10. Just garbage. Pure garbage. Those chorus lyrics are so poor it makes me wonder if they were originally written for an Adrenaline Mob song. The only thing that isn't absolute garbage about it is that brief vocal bridge.
  • Lords of Chaos - 4/10. The riff is simple, but the groove is so tight and heavy that I can't help but love it. Unfortunately, this song has more of the worst lyrics in existence and completely ruin anything good about the song.
  • Reign in Madness - 10/10. Great riffs, great chorus, many shreds of the classic Symphony X sound. Just like When All is Lost and Dehumanized, this song would be about an 8 or 9 (at best) on one of the best SX albums, but here it's a goddamned gem. The quiet bridge and subsequent piano transition into that sinister riff is the most complete musical moment on the whole album.
I'm voting for any song that I gave less than 9, though honestly, Light Up the Night and Lords of Chaos should be eliminated immediately before we even discuss cutting anything else.

Regardless, this whole album will be gone soon enough. Even the 9 and 10/10's here don't stack up to the 9 and 10/10's from almost every other album.
Children of a Faceless God is like a longer, more plodding Serpent's Kiss with an actual chorus. I like the polymetrics during the verse but the song seems so "stock" (as drummer extraordinaire Lars Ulrich puts it) for Symphony X.

When All Is Lost - 10/10. This song finally clicked with me today. It's no Accolade or Communion, but it's the most beautiful piece of music here and Russell sounds incredible. That Maideny riff in the bridge is perfection. Some bad lyrics, though. Oh well, it's the best this album can get.

Which riff, the one at 4:53? I love it but I'm not really getting a Maiden vibe since it's in like 33/8 or something...

Reign in Madness - 10/10. Great riffs, great chorus, many shreds of the classic Symphony X sound. Just like When All is Lost and Dehumanized, this song would be about an 8 or 9 (at best) on one of the best SX albums, but here it's a goddamned gem. The quiet bridge and subsequent piano transition into that sinister riff is the most complete musical moment on the whole album.

Strike them down! Strike with power!
I actually ended up liking this album more than Paradise Lost. I'm not completely sure why, either. It might have to do with the fact that I have listened to it in the past, or maybe I am finally getting a little more comfortable with this heavier style, I really don't know.

It still doesn't hold a candle to the Divine Wings - The Odyssey run, which are sure to be my top 4 albums. (Unless if Underworld blows me away)

The top 3 of the album came pretty clear to me: When All is Lost, which has that classic SX vibe, followed by Iconoclast and Electric Messiah.

The End of Innocence and Reign in Madness would probably round out my top 5. Everything else from the album I could probably do without.

Voting for:
Candlelight, Fallen (to help advance the other songs form each album)
Children of a Faceless God is like a longer, more plodding Serpent's Kiss with an actual chorus. I like the polymetrics during the verse but the song seems so "stock" (as drummer extraordinaire Lars Ulrich puts it) for Symphony X.

Well, I love Serpent's Kiss, so it makes sense why I like Children, then.


Which riff, the one at 4:53? I love it but I'm not really getting a Maiden vibe since it's in like 33/8 or something...

That's the one. It's just the tonality, as it is a swinging, upbeat kind of thing you don't hear much from SX (unless it's played on the keys).

Voting for:
Candlelight, Fallen (to help advance the other songs form each album)

I honestly do not understand how you guys can vote for these songs and NOT vote for Light Up the Night and Lords of Chaos?!
I honestly do not understand how you guys can vote for these songs and NOT vote for Light Up the Night and Lords of Chaos?!
To be fair, I did strongly consider voting for both songs. I'm sure I'll vote for them next round if either of them survives.
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Bastards Of The Machine - 6 votes
Heretic - 5 votes
Dehumanized - 4 votes
The Lords Of Chaos - 4 votes

Only three songs are promoted per album, so we have to vote for non-Iconoclast songs! There's no reason that average metal songs (for Symphony X) like Sins, Evolution, Fallen, and Inferno should beat the finely-crafted epics.

Evolution (how this and Fallen are still here but Egypt is gone is beyond me)
End of Innocence
When All Is Lost
Light up the Night (I wanna see you drown! In flames! Arrrrgggghhhhhh!)
Only three songs are promoted per album, so we have to vote for non-Iconoclast songs! There's no reason that average metal songs (for Symphony X) like Sins, Evolution, Fallen, and Inferno should beat the finely-crafted epics.

Yeah, but you don't have to vote for them yet. Eliminating all of Iconoclast before any of the songs still in the poll (all of which are better than the best Iconoclast as to offer) means that those songs will have a higher ranking. Sure, we need to eliminate them anyway, but I'd rather see a song like Evolution or Inferno outlive freaking Electric Messiah.
When there are this many albums represented and they all have to get promoted, I'm only comparing the songs within their album groups when voting.