SYMPHONY X SURVIVOR 2015: Results -> The Odyssey wins!

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Voting for the following to help the better songs go through: Candlelight, Fallen, Inferno

As for Paradise Lost, the whole thing is so very solid. What a good album. However, that 1-2 Seven/Sacrifice punch before the finale is clearly the weakest spot. Also voting for Domination because it's the only other song on the album I don't consider a 10/10. Still a 9/10, though.

Serpent's Kiss
Paradise Lost


You sir, are a heathen.
- STWOF is a killer opening track and a hell of a good live song, too.
- Serpent's Kiss is surprisingly complex and gloriously catchy. Incredibly good, especially considering it was a single.
- Paradise Lost is beautiful and haunting and a completely necessary reprieve from the heaviness on the rest of the album.
- Eve of Seductions is the only upbeat, heavy, and catchy song on the whole album. And by "upbeat" I mean the lyrics aren't about beating down the m'am.
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Overall, I feel that Paradise Lost is an excellent metal album, but not a great Symphony X album. It lacks many of the elements that the majority of their other albums have -- polymetric riffs, extended instrumental sections, etc. The songs here are good but simply too straightforward at times. My three favorite tracks from the album -- Domination, Babylon, and Revelation -- show more signs of the classic Symphony X sound than the others. Seven does, too, but it's simply not one of the stronger tracks here.

Even the controversial Iconoclast has a more classic Symphony X sound in regards to the riff style and song structure. Underworld is far simpler than its mechanical predecessor, but still contains many polymeters and other interesting facets to make it less direct and straightforward than Paradise Lost.
Overall, I feel that Paradise Lost is an excellent metal album, but not a great Symphony X album. It lacks many of the elements that the majority of their other albums have -- polymetric riffs, extended instrumental sections, etc. The songs here are good but simply too straightforward at times. My three favorite tracks from the album -- Domination, Babylon, and Revelation -- show more signs of the classic Symphony X sound than the others. Seven does, too, but it's simply not one of the stronger tracks here.

Domination and Babylon (after the intro) both follow very traditional verse-chorus-verse-chorus-verse-chorus patterns. Domination doesn't even have a vocal bridge, just a solo section. The Serpent's Kiss is more progressive than both of those songs.
As of my first listen, I don't enjoy this album anywhere close to the amount that I enjoyed the previous ones. (Excluding the debut.)

It's possible that it may grow on me. I'll give it another listen before I make any decisions.
As of my first listen, I don't enjoy this album anywhere close to the amount that I enjoyed the previous ones. (Excluding the debut.)

It's possible that it may grow on me. I'll give it another listen before I make any decisions.

The aggression can be overwhelming at first, but give it a few spins. It's incredibly consistent and the heaviness is just heart-pounding. Not to mention, a lot of good vocal hooks, especially since this is the first album with Russ' more guttural delivery.
I gave it another listen, and my thoughts haven't really changed so far.

Only voting for PL this round: Oculus, Domination, Serpent's Kiss, Babylon, Seven.

I am curious to see how this album compares to the next two for me. I've listened to Iconoclast in the past, and I recall liking it quite a bit. I haven't listened to Underworld yet.
With 4 songs remaining from each of the first 3 albums, I'm voting for one from each: Wings, Communion, Awakenings. Then everything from Paradise Lost except for Set The World On Fire, Eve Of Seduction and Seven. Don't rate the latter two but gotta pick something.

Still not rating Paradise Lost. This style doesn't suit them at all and Russell is wasting his voice with the tuff guy vocals <_<

Oculus Ex Inferni - 4 votes
Domination and Serpent's Kiss are probably the worst offenders when it comes to SX's style change. Couldn't bring myself to relisten them <_< I did relisten to songs 5-10 from Paradise Lost but not changing my votes.

With 4 songs remaining from each of the first 3 albums, I'm voting for one from each: Wings, Communion, Awakenings. Then everything from Paradise Lost except for Set The World On Fire, Eve Of Seduction and Seven. Don't rate the latter two but gotta pick something.
Serpent's Kiss is probably my favorite song off of PL. It's concise, powerful, dynamic, and a lot more progressive than it sounds. I'd rather have 100 songs like Serpent's Kiss than 10 songs like Domination.
Listening to this album for the first time in quite a long time, the album is still awesome. I still think that aside from the production and angry vocals, it isn't that much unlike their other work. Same style of riffing and the prog/power/symphonic blend is still there. I was just thinking Eve of Seduction wouldn't be all that out of place on TIO (with that production and more varied vocals). But the vocals fit most of the material anyway, he really belts it out in Walls Of Babylon in particular.

Paradise Lost, Revelation, Walls of Babylon, Eve of Seduction, all classic styled SX.

Edit: In fact, I'd like to exchange my vote for Eve of Seduction for a vote for Domination if possible.
Edit: In fact, I'd like to exchange my vote for Eve of Seduction for a vote for Domination if possible.
You can do it now. Updating in 20ish minutes.

P.S. You can just edit my poll so that you can change your votes in the future... as long as it's because of a mistake, not a tactical late change :P
P.S. You can just edit my poll so that you can change your votes in the future... as long as it's because of a mistake, not a tactical late change :p
I already do that sometimes tbh :p Wanted to ask this time since it's so late tho
Listening to this album for the first time in quite a long time, the album is still awesome. I still think that aside from the production and angry vocals, it isn't that much unlike their other work. Same style of riffing and the prog/power/symphonic blend is still there. I was just thinking Eve of Seduction wouldn't be all that out of place on TIO (with that production and more varied vocals). But the vocals fit most of the material anyway, he really belts it out in Walls Of Babylon in particular.

I very much agree. Russell's voice perfectly suits the material, but the material has clearly taken a more aggressive approach. I honestly think the main difference is in the mix: if this were mixed liked V people wouldn't have any issues with it, but because the guitars are so upfront and the overall production favors the bite and heaviness, it feels different.

That said, the songs are certainly trying to be more accessible. With the exception of Revelation, everything is slightly less progressive than the previous albums. I don't find this to be a fault, but it is definitely a conscious change.

Edit: In fact, I'd like to exchange my vote for Eve of Seduction for a vote for Domination if possible.

With 4 songs remaining from each of the first 3 albums, I'm voting for one from each: Wings, Communion, Awakenings. Then everything from Paradise Lost except for Set The World On Fire, Eve Of Seduction and SevenRevelation. Don't rate the latter two but gotta pick something.