Inner Scot? Oh dear. The nasty nationalist rears up to his full, albeit stunted, height. Next you'll be talking about "true Scots". My word, aren't you the bitter ethnofascist. It seems I've triggered the resident chippy, illiberal Anglophobe. I suppose the very name British Lion offends you. Spaldy: a wee man with a wee mind but a REAL Scot.
So the live music scene is thriving. Glad to hear it. What's the name of your Proclaimers-Corries covers act? Where's your next gig? On the street with the other, but rather more talented, buskers? Do you perform like a wee tartan monkey for the Braveheart brigade at the end of AUOB rallies?
Re. Steve. Again, any evidence of him being an antivaxxer? No. It's only in your wee, deluded, Scotch misted mind. More likely he wasn't prepared to be trapped in a touring bus bubble with no opportunity to meet the fans or to play football.
Btw, my avatar is dedicated to you, Ghostofcain, et al.