Songs you want Maiden to cover.

You could make a bigger case for ‘Spreading the Disease’ and ‘The Tower’ imo.
Sounds a lot like the sweeping lick in "Road to Hell", H seems to like that, it comes up a lot. Perhaps he could do it, I just hold Glenn in a higher regard than I do anyone else. I'd actually quite like to hear them break it down into three solos, I'm thinking H - Dave - Jan, that'd be kinda cool.
Hmmmm... Adrian can sweep pick pretty well. He just chooses not to.


I bet H might be able to do it.
That just sounds like tapping, not sweeping. Janick is the only guy I've seen do full sweep-picking in Maiden; not that I watch that many Maiden video compared to some...
Okay, give you that. Seems sort of unnecessary though, as he could be doing most of the donkey work with his left hand there. Still don't think it sounds like a sweep in the Maiden example though; which is half the fun of the throwing it in there, is it not?! :ok:

This is Janick doing a couple of fairly full sweeps at ~04:35-04:40

Okay, give you that. Seems sort of unnecessary though, as he could be doing most of the donkey work with his left hand there. Still don't think it sounds like a sweep in the Maiden example though; which is half the fun of the throwing it in there, is it not?! :ok:

This is Janick doing a couple of fairly full sweeps at ~04:35-04:40

True. But I call those Blackmore sweeps... Somewhat sloppy (as was Blackmore with them).

BTW even Davey did one during the ARLO's FOTD

But, those sweeps in Painkiller are not conventional minor sweeps. And H is the best at playing unconventional scales, so I think he is the only one, who could do the job.