Each format has its pros and cons, and I like using the bulk of them throughout my day-to-day listening experience. Generally, that means streaming for checking out new music, CDs for my car, and vinyl for other home use. They all bring something different to the table and I enjoy them a lot. I don’t need a jer k’s “objectivity” to validate my personal pleasure.
I'm not an expert, haven't done research etc,
But, typically I get to listen to music while I work or when I am in the car or running. I don't have a stereo system or a turntable at work or while I run, so I use my Ipod and hence need digital copies. When I buy a physical copy, I rip it to digital and then put the physical copy in a box, never to be seen again.
I used to buy into the idea that Vinyl has more dynamic range. You can see this on websites that show the DR rating of albums and formats.
So I thought OK, maybe they have different masters for Vinyl printings.
Then I thought, gees I wonder if the vinyl version of Dance of Death is better than the CD version.
I was looking online to see if there where rips off the Dance of Death vinyl.
But then I stumbled onto a youtube clip of a guy explaining the difference in measured DR of a vinyl vs CD.
As he explained it, basically they use the same masters, but vinyl is an imprecise medium and as such it introduces impurities, pops, crackles and static and these are picked up and make the DR numbers look better. LOL
I couldn't find that clip, I watched it years ago
Here is a different clip, with a guy that loves vinyl. When he does masters he does a different master for CD vs Vinyl, but he says vinyl is an inferior medium, and he lists many reasons why
1 Narrower stereo image
2 Thinner low end
3 Low signal to noise ratio
4 Harmonic distortion
5 Less transparency on sides of stereo image
6 Sounds worse towards the centre of the record
7 tempo and pitch variations
It's a long clip. if you skip to the 11 minute mark, he sums it up.
I can't hear the differences, but please take this as his opinion, not mine.
And here is a really in depth technical view of Vinyl. (It doesn't bode well for vinyl). At the 10:58 mark they start talking about the loudness wars, but his conclusions were muddled. He didn't say whether a high DR was used for Vinyl and compressed version for CD. He didn't go far enough to give an informed conclusion.
So, anyway. I don't know which is better. Digital is better for me, because I don't have time to sit down next to a tabletop or stereo.
I suspect vinyl is inferior, but I'm no expert and I doubt I'd be able to hear the difference.