Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

Interesting perspective. I get not liking a song so much at first and then it grows on you. Everyone has done that. I personally don’t ever recall loving a song at first and then later go “you know, it’s not as great as I thought.”
It happens to me a lot. As the years pass songs I once loved don’t have the same hit they used to. Maybe I just burn myself out.
I'm not going to do the full reunion album ranking thing.
I have really really enjoyed every Maiden album to varying degrees. Obviously there are some that are better than others but I have enjoyed the experience.
All I can say is that I am still loving Senjutsu and it is an amazing album.
Must be around 40 listens now and it keeps getting better and better.
I am on a session now and have hit TWOTW and am 10 pints into my Maiden Oddessy (this time). That's a good name for a Maiden album.
Darkest Hour opening now. I had initially not warmed to this song however it is now my favourite reunion power ballad.
I don't include TOC as a power ballad.
I really like the whole war time, historical aspect of the song.... DOTC just kicked in. I love this song. It transports me back in time about 1000 years.
"In God we trust, cry it out loud!"
To catch up with everything I missed in the past few pages:

1) Lost In A Lost World is one of the worse songs on Senjutsu but it's pretty good. It feels really disjointed but it's enjoyable to listen to.

2) I've definitely burned out on songs from playing them too much; Dream Of Mirrors immediately comes to mind.

3) TBOS > DOD > Senjutsu > TFF > BNW > AMOLAD. No, the list isn't backwards.

4) It's impossible to burn out on The Apparition; the song is just that good.

Anything else I missed?
To catch up with everything I missed in the past few pages:

1) Lost In A Lost World is one of the worse songs on Senjutsu but it's pretty good. It feels really disjointed but it's enjoyable to listen to.

2) I've definitely burned out on songs from playing them too much; Dream Of Mirrors immediately comes to mind.

3) TBOS > DOD > Senjutsu > TFF > BNW > AMOLAD. No, the list isn't backwards.

4) It's impossible to burn out on The Apparition; the song is just that good.

Anything else I missed?
While my list isn't in the strange order yours is in, I agree 100% that BOS and TFF are better than BNW and AMOLAD. I think Senjutsu is actually the best reunion album by a significant margin, but I think in general TFF is the "black sheep" of the reunion albums and it's a shame because it's a phenomenal album.
I still think Lost In A Lost World is one of the worst songs they've ever done, I'd rather listen to Angel and the Gambler.
You can add this opinion to the blasphemy thread too :D
To me the chorus of this song could be the worst of the whole album. The rest of the song is very good IMHO
There are no weak choruses in the album imo - I like them all. Maiden can't go wrong with them. :)

Are you really sure..?

Oh well, as far as choruses on Senjutsu go, they're all pretty good. Lost in a Lost World has a bit stale one, but there's a lot of great melodies in it and I quite like the atmosphere, so it gets a pass. :P
While my list isn't in the strange order yours is in, I agree 100% that BOS and TFF are better than BNW and AMOLAD. I think Senjutsu is actually the best reunion album by a significant margin, but I think in general TFF is the "black sheep" of the reunion albums and it's a shame because it's a phenomenal album.
Senjutsu is fantastic, but it doesn't have the highs of TBOS and DOD for me. With that said, it's just consistently enjoyable the whole way through.

TFF and BNW swap places pretty often for me. I think that BNW is arguably more consistent (except for The Nomad, which I hate), whereas TFF loses most at some point as it feels far more experimental. That said, when TFF hits, it hits hard. The title track, Coming Home, The Talisman, WTWWB are all great.
Listening to the album again tonight. Blimey, The Parchment never ends (or goes anywhere). Thankfully we have Hell on Earth as the closing song!