Senjutsu - 3rd September 2021

Bruce: ''You have actually walked into a prog-rock album from 1973. Lots of the vocals on this album are a lot more varied, I'm using a lot more of my range. We’ve got all the top-end squeaky bits, yeah, but there’s a lot more of using my lower register, almost whispered in places and stuff. And surprisingly, a lot of that came from Steve, not from me. You expect that from the vocalist, but a lot of that came from Steve. All those Moody Blues things and those layered vocals, that's all Steve, that's all his vision.
I should add that whilst there are four tracks that are 10-minutes-plus, which is all fine, but there are some other tracks on there that are really nice and compact. Senjutsu, the opening track, even though I think it’s eight minutes or something, it doesn’t feel like eight minutes, it’s so much on it.''
