About which songs they will play live:
They will play for sure:
Hell On Earth
TWOTW and (maybe) Senjutsu during LOTB Pt. 3 - they can skip the former for the album tour. I hope the title track to debut during the album tour... it will be a great concert opener.
They most probably will play both short songs, so DOFP has a big chance.
I doubt about The Time Machine (if they play Stratego) because they usually play one Janick song for the album tours (since the reunion)... the only exception was BNW tour.
I'm not sure if they will play Darkest Hour, but I really hope so - they can put it in the encores (like Journeyman).
I expect a second Harris epic to be played too - DOTC will be a great live song, but The Parchment would be amazing (a little rest for Bruce in the middle of the set and these 6 solos have to be played live).
LIALW is a very good song, but I think it will be skipped (too much epics, I guess).
In the end, I think they will play 6/7 songs from the album during the 2 legs -> 1 song for LOTB tour (TWOTW), 5 songs for the 1st leg (without TWOTW) and 1 other new song for the 2nd leg. Btw, they also played 7 songs from TBOS album (during 2 legs).