Say Something Nice About Another Country

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Good job Genghis. Prepare for a life of [insert corny married life joke here].

No seriously, married life is about a good solid partnership between the two of you. And if your spouse is your best friend as well, it helps. :D
Sweden: plans to make teaching of religious doctrine as truth illegal, even in private schools :ok:
Canada: The most charming country I have visited, I'd love to live there
USA: 2 years there felt like a 2 year Xmas, everything was so grand, plus I love the the North American accent
Thank you Anomica.
Thank you No.5.
Thank you Albie.
The date has not been set.  It will be sometime between Oct. '08 and Feb. '09. 

gor said:
Sweden: plans to make teaching of religious doctrine as truth illegal, even in private schools :ok:
You gotta be kidding me!  I am SO curious to see how this will work.  I imagine it must have a large public support.  Article.
gor said:
Canada: The most charming country I have visited, I'd love to live there
gor said:
USA: 2 years there felt like a 2 year Xmas, everything was so grand, plus I love the North American accent
Which one?  :)
gor said:
Sweden: plans to make teaching of religious doctrine as truth illegal, even in private schools :ok:

Seems a huge invasion of privacy, if a PRIVATE school wants to teach that and people want to pay for such a thing I say let them, it's their problem. Too much of a police state imo....
gor said:
Sweden: plans to make teaching of religious doctrine as truth illegal, even in private schools :ok:

Do you have a link (Yes! That's one of the reasons why I am against private schools!)?
Yax said:
Do you have a link (Yes! That's one of the reasons why I am against private schools!)?

I thank God every day I went to a private school... The best in my country, it also happened to be bilingual, multicultural and SECULAR, but still, more often than not you get a better education at a private school, but it is the parents responsibility to research what a school offers and if they want their children to learn religious mumbo jumbo as truth that's their problem, not the state's...
Onhell said:
I thank God every day I went to a private school... The best in my country, it also happened to be bilingual, multicultural and SECULAR, but still, more often than not you get a better education at a private school, but it is the parents responsibility to research what a school offers and if they want their children to learn religious mumbo jumbo as truth that's their problem, not the state's...
Yes it is the state's problem, because it undermines the curriculum issued by the government. The Swedish government wants the religious studies to be equal. Every big religion should get as much time in the class. That's one of the reasons that the government doesn't like RELIGIOUS private schools. The new governments are liberals, a nd are trying hard to allow more private schools, but religious private schools are frowned upon by most parties. One of the other reasons that I don't like the private schools is because they compete with the state schools, and deteriorates  the state schools education. It's because:

1) The private schools can CHOOSE their students, and the state schools cannot. The private schools might want to only take on the students with excellent grades, and that leaves the common schools with the students that might need extra education, and that's not good. You need a mixture.

2) The money. A students education is payed by the government. They get a certain amount of money, which is controlled by the state, to pay for the education. THe money follows you if you decide to change school to a different common school. It follows you automatically. WHen you move to a private school, the money flows into the schools budget. So the money can NEVER follow you back if you decide to change to a stateschool. That's a huge problem.

3) The fact that Private Schools are supposed to make money. The money doesn't flow back into the school as it does with the common schools.

4) The whole "THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION IS PURE BULLSH*T!" thingy the  Religious Private Schools got going on.

5) That private schools tends to entice students to choose their school through promising short hours, restuarant foods, other perks and so on. That's made quite a few people I know to choose a private school, and not thinking of where they would get the best education. That's become secondary.

6) The principals at private schools are more likely to threat teachers to give the students higher grades than they deserve (they've done that in a few commons schools as well)

Conclusion: I strongly dislike private schools, and always will.
Yax said:
4) The whole "THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION IS PURE BULLSH*T!" thingy the  Religious Private Schools got going on.

Well, this is interesting.  If this is what the schools teach in a science classroom, then there may be some serious repercussions for the school.  It's one thing teaching religion in a religious education class, and quite another to attempt to teach it in a science classroom, because of the unprovable nature of faith.  School boards in America have been sued for attempting to teach intelligent design as a scientific belief (it's unconstitutional), and I would wonder if there's a possibility of a similar thing happening in Sweden.

If they want to teach the children that God created the earth in 7 days, and that the entire earth was populated by a man and his rib-woman, that's their choice, since it's the parents responsibility to choose their child's school.  As long as they're educating them equally well in other aspects of their education, there shouldn't be a problem (and besides, R.E. is compulsory in schools here up until the age of 16, but that doesn't mean you have to believe it)
Raven said:
Well, this is interesting.  If this is what the schools teach in a science classroom, then there may be some serious repercussions for the school.  It's one thing teaching religion in a religious education class, and quite another to attempt to teach it in a science classroom, because of the unprovable nature of faith.  School boards in America have been sued for attempting to teach intelligent design as a scientific belief (it's unconstitutional), and I would wonder if there's a possibility of a similar thing happening in Sweden.

If they want to teach the children that God created the earth in 7 days, and that the entire earth was populated by a man and his rib-woman, that's their choice, since it's the parents responsibility to choose their child's school.  As long as they're educating them equally well in other aspects of their education, there shouldn't be a problem (and besides, R.E. is compulsory in schools here up until the age of 16, but that doesn't mean you have to believe it)
Since religious private schools are'nt allowed here in Sweden, that hasn't happened yet. But I think that it's what they want to do once they (if) get permission to start religious schoosl here. Hopefully, they won't.
Onhell said:
Please follow this discussion in the General discussion forum where it belongs...

back on topic!

Russia: Vodka! nuff said!
As the rules of the madness forums demands, back on topic (sense the irony mate xD?)!

Finland: The home of my grandparents and other relatives (on my fathers side), though they live in the Swedish speaking part of Finland! That's why I love Soumi.

England: Judas Priest, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden!
____no5 said:
hi gor, it's been a long time I didn't see you, plus now, I see you a bit more oftenly !!
what's up ?? you finished with the f**kin army ??  :mad:
Yes, finished with those retards! At last... Now I'm trying to earn some precious experience in diabetes management and, if lucky, score a doctorate. Sadly, I no longer seem to have the urge to post on any IM BB that much cause there seems to be no more discussion on my fav topic (Maiden lyrics research), and that which is going on at the moment (mostly over at the IMC subforum here) doesn't seem to tread any new ground. I still do look around though!
Natalie said:
Oh congratulations Genghis! Sorry, I haven't been reading the forums as diligently as I should.

Ah yes and here's a good one about Sweden: Sweden plans to become the worlds first oil-free country by 2020. This is according to:


And Sweden was supposed to be a non-nuclear power country by 2010. And that's not going to happen. (No I'm not going to start a new discussion)

Austria: beautiful Alpine scenery from Salzburg's grey peaks to Villach's green hills.  I've said this before and I'll say it again: those Austrians must spend heck of a lot of time trimming the grass on the hill sides.  They're so well maintained.  :D
____no5 said:
some thing here  ::)

and VodaWolph : Corsica is not a country !!

I believe that Corsicans want it to be  :P

I remember being hugged by a Corsican in Adjaccio when he found out I was English, "You hate French too!" was what he said to me  :lol: