- 2 songs per album get promoted to the playoffs.
- 10 songs that survive until the end of the album rounds also get promoted to the playoffs.
- Until we get to the final 10 songs you can vote for as many songs as you want.
- Once we reach the top 10, votes get limited to 3 votes. Top 5 means 2 votes only and Top 3 means just the 1 vote. If you vote for more songs at these stages, I just won't count your votes.
- I'll eliminate as many songs as I deem necessary to keep the game fair and moving quickly.
- Rounds will be two days long
Eliminated Where the Lightning Strikes, For Whom the Bell Tolls, We Are Strong, Jericho Siren.
Waiting for the Night eliminated in the tiebreaker. Battle Cry and Rock the Nations promoted to the playoffs.