@LooseCannon First of all USA still protects the democratic order and freedom of speech at least in the interior. Nothing will change so drastically as you imply because of an election.
Secondly US imperialism is a well documented fact, not propaganda.
I'm equally really, really tired to get accused of Russian or whatever propaganda for everything outside the US mainstream narrative.
It's counter productive for the engagement and not a noble tactic. Not too respectful either.
Every country or bloc sells its propaganda and you reproduce your fair share in my view. But I choose not to say it (or at least not repeat it again and again) out of respect. Not to you or anyone else here.
The USA isn't perfect, but up until 12 days ago protected the liberal democratic order, and legitimately expanded it in countries in Europe and Asia.
Carefully put. I guess by "legitimately" you refer to tenths of thousands NGOs installed everywhere. Also sanctions is technically a legitimate means of pressure. CIA operations to overthrow governments might be technically legitimate. Or selling arms to Taiwan, regime changing Pakistan, Bangladesh, occupying part of Syria and more. Oh and supplying arms to Israel for continuing genocide, this is legitimate too. Now they are considering to sanction the whole country of Georgia to punish them for electing the wrong side. And that is also legitimate technically speaking.
Actually the number of countries I found was closer to 170. It can be misleading as for some countries the number of troops are too small. Maybe it's more telling to give the number of military bases.
"The U.S. military maintains hundreds of installations, both inside the United States and overseas (with at least 128 military bases located outside of its national territory as of July 2024)"
Or the numbers of troops overseas which is arguably at least ~170,000. Which is a huge number.
The map above shows where the over 168,000 active-duty US troops serving overseas are stationed. And I bet some of the countries will come as a bit of a surprise:
Already addressed this shit in a post you're too busy to reply to.
I know. I will.