
Top 5 Rush Albums/Next Band

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Well...there's The Beatles. And XTC. Just some examples.
Well, Dusty mentions The Beatles. They're not really what I was thinking about, since they weren't old or anywhere near the end of their careers; they were perfectly capable of touring. XTC are a great example, although they used session players too; still, the band essentially continued to produce music around core-members, so a good example.
I was wondering about that myself! I can't easily think of an example. Most acts do tour, even if it's only a handful of dates per year, or per two or three years. Buckethead? :)
If Buckethead keeps going, yes. He's a slightly different case, though, not being a band, but a single musician. He's never really, to my mind, found or settled on a live format that really suits him. But, yeh, he hasn't toured since 2012. Hasn't been seen, since 2012, in fact. Has released hundreds of albums instead. Not sure when, if ever, he'll stop. He has at last become, as he always wished, truly disembodied; all that remains is his music...
Frank Zappa's last major tour was in 1988, 5 years before he died. He continued to create and release material in those 5 years (some of it finally being released as late as this year) but AFAIK there were no more concerts.
I'm so glad I saw R40.
Hope they aren't done, believe there will be more shows and music, if not in conventional forms.
But if that was the last full tour and album, it's a good way to go out.
I have always got that feeling from Neil that though he’s a nice guy and all, he’s not really fit into that “rock” lifestyle - the tours, the fans, the fame (yeah, stating the obvious here, I know)… And since he’s older now, I think it’s harder and harder for him to overcome that when he knows he could just, you know, be home, at peace.

And I think it’s really mainly because of him - even Geddy says “We’re not able to agree on doing more tours” and talks about Neil’s family and physical issues and Alex seemed to me to think alike.

I find it rather likely they’ll do at least one more album - CA really doesn’t sound like a band at the end of its career - but the touring/concerts… I don’t know. I’ve never seen them live and I’m sad to realise I probably never will now, but I get it. I too don’t like concerts all that much. Too crowded, too noisy, a lot of traveling (unless you live in a big city)… In fact, me and my wife have just decided to sell the Nightwish tickets, since we (and mostly me) feel exhausted by the concerts and want to go only to those we need to see at all costs (which is now mostly Maiden and Dream Theater - Rush would be there too, definitely).
(Yes, the atmosphere is a factor, but then again the atmosphere is sometimes drunk sweaty people pushing around, stepping on your toes, blocking your view with phones and tablets and you have to keep checking your pockets all the time in the crowd. But i digress…)
I am tired of concerts and I'm nearing 24. Neil's over sixty. I think he's entitled.

So I understand them and I don’t blame them - in nearly forty years they have put out a lot of good music and they were more consistent overall than pretty much any other band. Even if a new album doesn’t arise, it’ll be fine. It’s very probable we would get some solo stuff then, which would be nice to hear (and is probably what will become of Maiden, I think - once Nicko and ‘Arry call it quits, I believe - since the man seems incapable of being idle even for a while - Bruce will restart his solo career with occasional guest spot by H or Janick. But then again, maybe not).

I’m not angry or disappointed if a band I like ceases to produce more music, at least not much - I am a fan because of what they have released, not because of what they might release in the future.

So what that Angels were that great? So what that my wife (among other people) feels it’s their best album ever? Wouldn’t you like to go out like that? It's definitely infinitely better to make people wishing for more than to hear them say "I think it's time they called it a day, you know..."
(Yes, the atmosphere is a factor, but then again the atmosphere is sometimes drunk sweaty people pushing around, stepping on your toes, blocking your view with phones and tablets and you have to keep checking your pockets all the time in the crowd. But i digress…)
I am tired of concerts and I'm nearing 24. Neil's over sixty. I think he's entitled.
You sound like 54!
I'm also nearing 24 and I'm more pumped up for concerts than ever :D Because of drunk sweaty people I change/wash all my clothes as soon as I get home. I even have shoes that I only wear to concerts :D I'm usually close enough that phones/tablets don't bother me too much and if someone's stepping on me constantly, I move in front of that person during the next mosh pit :P And while I only bring the bare necessities with me to concerts, I keep my pants' pockets covered with a jacket or something just in case.
I've become a bit of a grump as far as concerts are concerned, too, but it's mainly for one of the following two reasons:

- If you want to get up front (unless you're at a prog show, and sometimes even then), you're going to get armpits in the face and elbows in your spine. I paid good money to see a concert because I like the music, not because I like constantly shoving other people around.
- SOLUTION: Get there early and stake out the closest possible spot on the second tier level (generally only one foot higher near a bar/soundbooth/etc). This only applies to club or theaterish shows, but I find that standing above everyone always works out the best. Then, during one the encore, jump down and fight your way to the front, just to feel like you got as close as you could.

- If you want a good seat at a bigger gig, it costs over $100.
- SOLUTION: Only spend that kind of money on Rush and Iron Maiden. Thankfully for my wallet, only one of those still applies.
Having recently wrapped up the R40 tour as their “final major trek ever”, Rush drummer Neil Peart says that he is retiring from music.

Neil tells Drumhead Magazine: "Lately Olivia (Louise, Neil's daughter) has been introducing me to new friends at school as 'My dad - he's a retired drummer.' True to say, funny to hear.

"And it does not pain me to realize that, like all athletes, there comes a time to... take yourself out of the game. I would rather set it aside then face the predicament described in our song “Losing It” (‘Sadder still to watch it die, than never to have known it’).”
That's a bit sad to read, but it doesn't surprise me. Hopefully Geddy will do another solo album or 2 and Alex will do another Victor album.
I think the band knew it before the R40 tour. They kept things very tight-lipped and made it seem like they were optimistic for a future, but I can see Neil saying, "One more tour than I'm done," and just letting the truth slowly trickle out so as not to give fans heart attacks. I won't be shocked if we see an interview in 3-4 months saying Lifeson's arthritis is worse than he thought, too.
Well, maybe Peart knew it, but the rest? Recently they literally said "we don't know". Call me naive, but I am not convinced that they'd flat out lie so easily.

And if they did, why the "different stages"? Why first in some webzine? Dumb order, dumb timing.

They could have announced the R40 tour as a farewell tour. If they were really sure it would happen, they'd certainly wanted to say goodbye wouldn't they?

I think it really wasn't clear and it felt as Lee and Lifeson still had hope when this topic was discussed.
Not doubting it but I would like to see something official....

Anyhow, respect to Neil for quitting while still ahead. He could have continued for another 10-15 years if he wanted to but does not want to compromise with quality and his playing style...That's unlike many, many other big name musicians.
Peart never said he was retired. He was talking about his daughter, and laughing at something she said. He has said that he's done touring, so it's no news that he is at least partially retired. He hasn't said he'll never play again, and this kind of comment shouldn't be taken that way.