Rush Survivor Finished: Red Barchetta wins!

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    Votes: 1 16.7%
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    Votes: 5 83.3%

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I've being trying to pull my list together during the course of this Survivor.
It is insanely difficult.
Would be nice if we'd all try to make an individual top 10 of Rush albums, not now (don't start telling! ;-), but after this survivor has finished in a new poll (in games forum). Plus explanation why the albums made it and why some other which came very close not.

So the poll would give all studio albums, and everyone can pick 10, and state in their post the order of these 10.
Might also be a good idea to try a Rush week, like the Opeth/Floyd weeks.
Those threads have inspired some good talk.
Yea, there will definitely be a Rush week. So far I'm very satisfied with the results of the band weeks thing.
I thought it would be more (or at least as) interesting to do the poll, so that we more easily can see which albums stand out. Room enough for discussion in that topic as well (though we can separate it).
How about adding "favorite album" polls to every band week ? The discussions on band week threads are mostly consisted of album talk anyway.
By-Tor and the Snowdog - 3 votes
Ghost Rider - 5 votes
Far Cry - 3 votes
Armor and Sword - 4 votes
The Main Monkey Business - 3 votes
I love all the songs left
Enemy Within — explained last thread
Middletown and the Pass — among the best synth-era songs, and great songs, just my least favourite era.
Cygnus X-1 — that one hurt, but there are better epics, with better melodies
The Garden — because despite its great melodies, it's not tough enough
I'm a bit surprised that all the S&A songs were knocked out in one round. I thought Far Cry would at least last longer, and Main Monkey Business was top ten once, I still have no idea how that happened.
I'm surprised, too. I thought Far Cry would last at the very least three or four more rounds. I'm surprised CA songs have outlasted them. I didn't know they were that loved here.
Not so much surprised about the CA songs. That album got a great reception.
The Analog Kid - 3 votes
The Enemy Within - 4 votes
The Pass - 5 votes
Bravado - 5 votes