Roman Polanski arrested by Swiss police on 32 year old US sex charge

I didn't realize that.  Tho, it makes sense that they would get put to the test sooner or later. 
LooseCannon said:
Sodomy laws in the US were struck down in 2002 in Lawrence v. Texas, iirc, but old statutes may still apply.
Sexual assault and rape laws may have different counts for different acts.  For example, Count 1 of the indictment is for the vaginal rape=X years in prison, Count 2 for anal rape=Y years in prison, Count 3 for forcible oral sodomy=Z years, so the sentence is X+Y+Z.  I'm making this up, but that could be why it is relevant.  Plus, it wouldn't surprise me if there are laws against child sodomy, even if sodomy among consenting adults is legal. I don't recall all the counts that Polanski was charged with, but it is probably available online.    

Oh, and Onhell, thanks for the advice, but I am WELL aware of the "unorthodox" ways one can express affection.   ;)
cornfedhick said:
Know your facts before opining.  As pointed out in the documentary about this, prior to final sentencing, the judge saw photos of Polanski cavorting with more teenage girls -- which were taken AFTER he was arrested for raping a 13-year old.  This is what enraged the judge and caused him to rethink the shorter sentence agreed to by prosecutors.  That is why Polanski fled, because he got wind that the judge was going to impose a heavy sentence.  Also, he openly dated Nastassia Kinski when she was underage, after directing her in Tess.  Going out on a limb here, I realize, but I assume he had sex with her.  So, the dude liked to bang underage girls.  In the ass.  After drugging them.  Yet he walks free.  Fuck you, Switzerland.   

Is it legal to rethink a judgement already given?  And if those pictures were taken after the fact on him being sentenced for the rape of the 13 year old can you use this against him fairly?  I mean cavorting around with teenagers verse rapping a teenager are 2 very different situations.  Also, laws were different back then as opposed to now and I wonder how the courts would handle the past and present?  These are the questions that came up in my mind when I watched the documentary last year.  
char_da_harlot said:
Is it legal to rethink a judgement already given?  And if those pictures were taken after the fact on him being sentenced for the rape of the 13 year old can you use this against him fairly?
Technically he hadn't been sentenced yet. 
I didn't read the whole thread, but here's my twenty thousand pesos...

The laws regarding underage sex are really messed up. For example, kids have been arrested and jailed for sending pictures of themselves naked to their girlfriend/boyfriend just because they're under 18.

Also, I have a (somewhat) personal experience in that a kid at my school (I had met him before but we weren't friends) just was arrested for having child porn on his computer. Apparently the local police put some "bait" on LimeWire and he uploaded it, which allowed them to trace it to his computer. He had over 1000 pictures of underage kids, although I don't know what ages they ranged from. He will serve two years starting this summer.

Now, I'm not going to take a pro-pedophile stance here, but I just cannot comprehend how that can be considered justice. He didn't hurt anybody. All he did was have pictures. I can't believe you can be arrested for simply having pictures. And I know people try to rationalize it by saying "that child's knowledge of the photo being out there will hurt them", or something to that extent, but that's just BS.

It's really just become a witch hunt for pedophiles. The same people that accept gays because they know it's not a choice to be gay are supporting these laws. The kid at my school didn't choose his sexual preference either, and he was being damn responsible for a 17 year old IMO considering he kept it to himself and wasn't out raping kids.

I think the late great George Carlin said it best...!v=4F1Lq1uFcAE
(Skip to 3:25)
Bah, big deal. I also had anal sex with underage girl that was high.
See all this would be moot if the Manson Family had'nt killed Sharon Tate. I think it really fucked Roman Polanski up. Not that it is an excuse for him to rape a child. I know if anybody slipped one of my daughter's a quaalude and take advantage of them, I'd think I'd pull a Manson on them.
Suicidehummer said:
I didn't read the whole thread, but here's my twenty thousand pesos...

The laws regarding underage sex are really messed up. For example, kids have been arrested and jailed for sending pictures of themselves naked to their girlfriend/boyfriend just because they're under 18.

Naked pictures, regardless of who, is considered pornography, sending naked pictures, regardless of media, is considered distribution of pornography. Pornography is for ADULTS (18 and up in most countries) and distribution of pornography is illegal in several states. No two ways about it.

Also, I have a (somewhat) personal experience in that a kid at my school (I had met him before but we weren't friends) just was arrested for having child porn on his computer. Apparently the local police put some "bait" on LimeWire and he uploaded it, which allowed them to trace it to his computer. He had over 1000 pictures of underage kids, although I don't know what ages they ranged from. He will serve two years starting this summer.

Now, I'm not going to take a pro-pedophile stance here, but I just cannot comprehend how that can be considered justice. He didn't hurt anybody. All he did was have pictures. I can't believe you can be arrested for simply having pictures. And I know people try to rationalize it by saying "that child's knowledge of the photo being out there will hurt them", or something to that extent, but that's just BS.
You're right, what is wrong with just having a picture? I mean, I went to a strip club and even though I knew the stripper was a crack head I still gave her ten dollars for a dance. I mean, she's just going to use those ten dollars to feed her habit, or her pimp, but I didn't harm anybody right? WRONG. Just like the ten dollars to the crack head stripper, "just having a picture" is enabling the vice/crime. Sure your schoolmate didn't kidnap and dominate the underage girl into taking pictures, but his hunting for said porn is essentially giving license to a serious exploitative crime.

It's really just become a witch hunt for pedophiles. The same people that accept gays because they know it's not a choice to be gay are supporting these laws. The kid at my school didn't choose his sexual preference either, and he was being damn responsible for a 17 year old IMO considering he kept it to himself and wasn't out raping kids.

Ok, HUGE difference between homosexuality and pedophilia. HUGE. Cannot stress that enough and you better learn it quick. Homosexuality, choice or not aside, can definitely happen between two teens, but it is attraction to someone usually around your same age, or at the very least consenting adults. Pedophilia and Pederasty is sexually mature individuals who are emotionally stunted and seek, gullible, naive, exploitable victims (children) to feed their sexual needs. They prey on children. Homosexuality does not prey on children. Sure you can have a homosexual pederast, but they can be women, men, straight, gay... etc.

Now if as a 17 year old someone is looking at a picture of a nude 15 year old... personally, well, why not? they are close in age and they are both minors. PERSONALLY I don't care. But the law doesn't give a shit. if someone is 30 and looking at the same picture... that's just sick and pathetic.
Suicidehummer said:
The kid at my school didn't choose his sexual preference either

I can understand that. It isn't a choice. So I do not find it pathetic. Also "sick" isn't exactly a word I would use.
It is exactly the words I would choose for a MAN who is sexually aroused by children. I would not use it for children liking children...

There is tolerance and then there is idiocy... not seeing the severity in pederasty and making excuses for them is ridiculous.
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. People get so worked up over the subject that they can't view it without a skewed perspective.

Why is it better to give a crack whore money to be able to do something illegal, like smoke crack (which I think shouldn't be illegal but we won't get into it), but it's not okay to download a free picture from LimeWire that the photographer has no idea you downloaded? That's not supporting the photographer just like downloading music isn't supporting the musician. Like I said, it's not about the children, it's a Witch Hunt.
... and that's the problem. Just because someone was born being attracted to underage people (not their choice), you think they should be put in jail for the rest of their lives.
Onhell said:
It is exactly the words I would choose for a MAN who is sexually aroused by children. I would not use it for children liking children...

There is tolerance and then there is idiocy... not seeing the severity in pederasty and making excuses for them is ridiculous.

That's fine. Everyone his own tolerance, and own opinion.
Just to clarify, I think pedos who go out and rape kids should be jailed, but not pedos who mind their own business and don't hurt anyone.
Suicidehummer said:
Just to clarify, I think pedos who go out and rape kids should be jailed, but not pedos who mind their own business and don't hurt anyone.

Allow me to explain why you're wrong.

People who take advantage of children, take child pornographic photos or videos of them are not only doing it for themselves, and then it "randomly" ends up on the Internet. Child pornographers are doing it because they get a rush, a thrill, out of distributing the material. The market is the reason for the demand, it's why it keeps happening, because those particular pedophiles get a spectacular feeling from sharing their vileness with others who want the same experience but don't want to try it themselves. Similarly, most who get child porn will then redistribute it themselves for a similar, if lesser feeling.

I've been on chatrooms back before they really went out of style, and I was constantly approached by people who wanted to share the child porn in their collection. Not because I was there looking for it - in fact, I was in chatrooms that were for people who like D&D and board games - but they were all over the place. Possession isn't harmless, it feeds the market, and the market is what hurts the children.

Normally, I'm on your side - if someone wants to do something in the comfort of their own home, let them. But people smoking pot or drinking underage in no way is anywhere close to the evils of child pornography.

Still, I have much more problems with the grandscale abuse of young boys by the Jesuit order, and other orders of the Catholic Church.
That link was only one example. It happened in the USA, in Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, the UK, etc. etc.
Here, even a wiki page dedicated to the sexual abuse scandals in the Jesuit Order.
For years, there was hardly as much as police involvement. Times have fortunately changed. The church has to admit their scandals.
The Church has a fuckton of things to admit, and that's just one of them, but I thought we were talking about child pornography?
Again, you make a valid point LC, assuming these are children being abused and forced. In an increasing number of cases, these are pictures they have taken themselves. Not only that, anyone under 18 is considered to be incapable of deciding whether they'd like to do porn, so they could have no problem with the pictures being out there, yet someone can still be arrested for having them. These details (in my opinion) show that there's more to it than protecting children, an ulterior motive, of sorts.

Along with illegal drugs, I think this is the biggest taboo, especially in America.
LooseCannon said:
The Church has a fuckton of things to admit, and that's just one of them, but I thought we were talking about child pornography?

We were yes. Just wanted to mention it -only to compare-, as a side step (especially since in Europe this was huge news recently).