Replacing Nicko?

Did I mention I am an insider too? ;)

I was able to take this photos:
1) Bruce trying to sooth Klaus after steeling his drummer.

2) Steve explainig everything to Mikkey and jamming with him after that.

Did I mention I am an insider too? ;)

I was able to take this photos:
1) Bruce trying to sooth Klaus after steeling his drummer.

2) Steve explainig everything to Mikkey and jamming with him after that.

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Well, these photos are easy to find online for > month now so I'm not saying that, you're not an insider but it is super easy to create post like this to get some attention.
Mikkey Dee is in Scorpions already. He's an amazing drummer but a completely wrong fit for Maiden. If Nicko leaves, he'll be replaced by Joe Lazarus, or British Lion's drummer. I can't see anyone else being invited into the band at this stage.
I figured British Lion's drummer has already been groomed in case of Nicko not being able to go. I imagined that's why they're mirroring the tour.

I know Loe Lazarus from the new Mogg's Motel album. Is he really prominent enough to step into a Maiden tour?
EDIT: He's Steve's it.
I think it very unlikely they will go out without Nick. I suspect they would prefer to pull the tour.

That said, if they do go down the replacement route there are options. I suspect Steve would prefer a British replacement as he has always said he considers that to be important- he made remarks along those lines when Michael Kiske was floated as a Bruce replacement somewhere down the line.

I am sure there are drummers who technically can do it. Harry James springs to mind as an Ian Paice type player and Thunder aren't really active at the mo. Jason Bonham maybe? He has drummed with every band out there it seems.

If they went for a non English player maybe Dave Moreno? Possibly Simon Dawson fron Lion as already suggested.
Well, these photos are easy to find online for > month now so I'm not saying that, you're not an insider but it is super easy to create post like this to get some attention.

There was an emoticon used. I never ever would have thought that someone doesn't get this is a joke and seriously believes I am claiming to have taken this photos. :facepalm:
I think they even were posted in this forum before.
As I've just written in the "Last tour?" thread, I'm currently more inclined to belive Nicko will get replaced:
I'm cca 65:35 inclined to think it is not going to be their last tour. And that whatever 'Arry had said before, they are going to replace Nicko (amicably, he'll probably stay connected to the band, like with Jukka Nevalainen and Angela Gossow) and keep on touring for as long as 'Arry is going to be able to, which - and now I'm completely pulling numbers out of my arse - might be until, say, 2030.

I don't really want that - to me, he's the second most important member, sound-wise - but I also don't think 'Arry and the boys will kill the band because of him, nor is there any rational reason why they should - apart from sentimental reasons and keeping some hardcore fans happy; most concert-goers probably won't care at all, like it or not.

Now, regarding the matter who will it be - I won't speak on behalf of 'Arry's probably predictable nepotism (NP has had that covered on this very page) which is the most likely outcome.
However, ideally, if it were upon me, I'd try to replicate the feel Nicko gives off (and which is really important, I can't stress how big a reason for me having the first three Maiden albums as the lowest in my personal ranking is the lack of Nicko), which is very busy, juicy, with a lot of ... "feel" (this is really the worst word ever, but it describes something ineffable - it's not really swing, it's not really power, it's not really the fills, it's not really the potential for clave (even if he doesn't play it), it's not the smoothness of the base drum foot, it's not the ear for drum sounds and which parts of the kit he uses for what; it's everything combined and more).

Honestly, the first comparable sound I have in my head comes from two drummers - I mean, literally a drummer duo: The Allmen used to have two drummers and the busy, interlocking rhythms always gave me a somewhat similar pleasure to Nicko. I'd say a two drummers might be able to give a somewhat dignified show of that ol' Nicko charm. But that's something that's almost 100% impossible to happen. The logistics, the general idea (unless you're a band that had it that way from beginning, to invest so many members into a fucking rhythm section...) - I won't even speculate on that.

But it's not just that; Brann Dailor has a lot of business, but is way too idiosyncratic to be conceivable as a part of Maiden.
Bonzo would have been a great replacement, but he's dead. Collins, back in the 70s, at his height, would be also interesting to hear, but he's old and out of shape and ill (IIRC) and has tarnished his legacy thousand times over.

Purely going by feel, I'm more or less sure I'd enjoy Martin Lopez in Maiden. Not going to happen. Another one I'd be interested to hear and who has a lot of at least kinda-Nicko-ish feel is Portnoy and that is even less likely. Airto would be awesome, but he's played only jazz and fusion and he's even older than Nicko, IIRC.

(I'm kinda drubl, maybe I'll think of more drummers I'd love to hear in Maiden who are possibly even less likely to make it tomorrow)

So, in the end, we're going to have to get used to the British Lion bloke, I guess.
In interviews discussing Nicko's stroke, did they ever say whether the plan was to replace him or cancel the last year's tour if he wasn't ready to play?
If Steve did choose someone Non-British I'd love him to go for the legend that is DAVE LOMBARDO

Mikkey Dee is also a great shout.

Jason Bonham is a good suggestion as a British option..or even Zak Starkey? (who played on Adrian's Silver & Gold album).
My view: in Australia this month I saw Nicko linger on stage just that little bit longer after Wasted Years, thanking the crowd by tapping his heart, soaking in all the adulation. Even if no replacement has been decided, Nicko himself knows that if his health ever took another turn he would sit out the tour. That's just common sense on his part, any tour could be his last.

What could Maiden do? There's only a few options:
- Have Nicko serve as a Tipton-style special guest every night while Joe Lazarus or Steve Dawson drum the show
- Replace Nicko fully with Joe or Steve or whomever (agreed, they will likely be British)
- Soldier on with Nicko

Rod himself is 74, Nicko is 72. They are the two oldest in the core of the organisation, and I am sure they have spoken about this. It's a strange thing the oldest member has the most physical job... but think of it this way, Maiden celebrate 50 years and fully 25 have been spent with this lineup! Not a single change since 1999.

A change now might serve Maiden like Richie Faulkner has served Priest, which is the benefit of new blood and energy.

Nicko should get a lifetime role, whatever that is, there's no replacing Nicko.

And there's still a big question over whether Joe Lazarus had the huge personality and confidence needed to drive Maiden... I feel they will need an arena- and stadium- trained superstar drummer, not someone who only sounds great videoing himself at Barnyard. But maybe not.
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In interviews discussing Nicko's stroke, did they ever say whether the plan was to replace him or cancel the last year's tour if he wasn't ready to play?
People usually quote an interview that Steve gave some time ago where he said that he always makes plans with the band based on the current lineup. And he said in that interview that when any member is no longer able to be in the band, the band would stop.