Tell you what, I'll sticky this bad boy again.
fonzbear2000 said:The new tour is coming up soon and I don't see a spoiler tag option in the emotion tool bar.
LooseCannon said:3. Keep an eye open for an "Official Tour Thread". It's entirely possible that one will be started by the Moderator Team to keep your responses in one place and to stop spoilers from getting all over the forum.
national acrobat said:Can I please emphasise this last point? It would seem prudent for all Maiden tour related spoilers to remain in Maiden Chat but in the past they've turned up in various other places, with no prior warnings as to what is in the spoiler brackets. As people use the brackets for film plots, jokes or whatever a bit of common sense is needed. Unfortunately I know that whoever spoils the setlist for me (as I'm sure will happen to some extent unless I cocoon myself away for two months) is also very unlikely to read this warning thread. Oh well.
LooseCannon said:As I once again don't fully expect to see Maiden, I will be ever vigilant in prowling the forums to keep them spoiler free.
Wasted CLV said:...the only person trying to post set lists would be doing it only to be an ass.
thousand_suns said:This announcement I have read. But understand I do not. The Tour is not coming to Malaysia. I did not read the announcement.
(Sorry, I had to test something and I needed another account, so I logged this fuck in, and I couldn't not make one post with him.)