Regarding tour spoilers - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING!

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Enterprise-class aircraft carrier
Staff member
NOTE: The below is not in effect for the Legacy of the Beast 2019 Tour.

Hi everyone;

It's an exciting time of year with Maiden kicking off their newest tour. Nobody's too sure what the setlist will be, so I am going to put out a few loverly ground rules here.

1. All spoilers must go in spoiler tags! These are located in your emoticon toolbar above the post window. Also, it can be typed in by using:
[spoiler]SETLIST HERE[/spoiler]

Please be sure to use this, because I can assure you that if you fail to use spoiler tags, action will be taken by the Moderator Team. There is one exception, however:

2. The Official Legacy of the Beast Tour thread does not require spoiler threads. You can post things in here. However, in every other thread if you're mentioning tour-related content without a spoiler tag, you will be subject to the moderation process

3. Any major news from the tour will get its own thread, but spoiler rules still apply. This is simple. In the event that a tour-affecting moment occurs, we will carefully monitor the post to ensure that while a newsworthy item may have occurred, any coverage of this event will not affect the enjoyment of future shows by forum members.

4. Read all threads before you start a'posting! This is very important during tours. The last thing we need are four threads on one show, all saying the same thing. So please try to make sure you post where appropriate.

5. DO NOT PUT SPOILERS IN THREAD TITLES. Sorry I didn't catch that thread, Forostar.

6. Do not put spoilers in your status.

7. Infractions will be met with bans. You will be banned until the end of the tour (at least). End of story. People are not following these guidelines appropriately, so they will be enforced with a boot if needed. The end of the tour will be the general response (Effectively Aug 12, 2018) - exceptions may be considered by the Mods on a case by case basis. But don't count on it.
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maybe it will be better to create a fixed post for pics and videos of the concerts too.

I myself will take pics and do videos of the São Paulo show.

We already have a thread for all Iron Maiden pictures. If you have pics to post, you have two choices...

1. Put them in the existing pictures thread.
2. If there is a thread dedicated to a particular show, you can post them in that thread INSIDE SPOILER TAGS.

If you want to post a link to a YouTube video, that's fine ... but be ABSOLUTELY SURE it is clearly marked as such.

I've been reading through the forum, and people have been posting pictures all over the place.
I understand you're all excited that the tour has started, but this forum has rules.
Post your pictures according to the rules above or else.
If you start new and inappropriate threads just for pictures, I WILL DELETE THEM WITH NO MERCY OR SECOND THOUGHTS.

Aside from that, have a nice day! :bigsmile:
This year, I have the idea that a lot of newbies don't have a clue what they're doing.

Take, e.g. that topic called "Three Amigos". The topic title gave me already a feeling of: don't open it, probably spoilers. Later I saw LC's comment, and indeed:

"Please make sure that any discussion of the ongoing tour is appropriately spoilered."

I guess I should be careful myself since most new people are ignorant of such rules. I advise others to be careful as well. Spoilers of the average nitwit won't help, if the nitwit keeps forgetting the spoilers and the warnings.

Goodluck to the mods and I wish more wisdom to the newbies and/or ignorant users!
Forostar said:
Goodluck to the mods and I wish more wisdom to the newbies and/or ignorant users!

New tours are always a busy time. Luckily, I have nothing better to do than fix topics, but my patience will wear thin very quickly.  If you're worried about a topic, wait a day.  I guarantee it'll have been checked by then.
Does this SMF board support the "ignore sub-forum" options, where users can ignore all activity in a certain sub-forum, topics are not shown in "unread posts/new replies" and such?

If it does, forming a "spoliers" sub-forum would be a good idea. People could auto-ignore it.
As far as I  It doesn't.  But I could certainly be wrong, as I don't pretend to be a SMF expert.
Please note, the rules have been amended.
Zare said:
Does this SMF board support the "ignore sub-forum" options, where users can ignore all activity in a certain sub-forum, topics are not shown in "unread posts/new replies" and such?

If it does, forming a "spoliers" sub-forum would be a good idea. People could auto-ignore it.
Not that I'm aware of but if I'm wrong please point me in the right direction :)
Hey everyone!
I have 1 extra ticket for the Iron Maiden show on Thursday April 2 2009 in Sunrise FL at Bank Atlantic Center! I had to buy 4, so I have an extra, this is a great seat Section 116 Row 14, close to the floor and not too far from the stage... If anyone is interested, e-mail me at "" or message me back here! Thanks, Chris

edit: lol, we cannot spell our beloved band correct anymore. April Fools, eh, hehehe..  :D

April Fool's indeed.

What about MIADNE?




Thanks for pointing that out, Foro. ;)  I hope it doesn't stay too long like that.

Edit: And the "preview" function is your friend if the mods start doing this often.
Forostar said:
test: Iron Maiden

edit: lol, we cannot spell our beloved band correct anymore. April Fools, eh, hehehe..  :D

I have no idea what you're talking about. Everything looks fine to me, now that it's April 2. :innocent:
First I seriously thought that ChrisLee69 made some mistake but when I saw that he made it twice (both in the subject and in the post itself) I became suspicous.

But a good joke !  :ok:
LooseCannon said:
It's an exciting time of year with Maiden kicking off their newest tour

:o I wasn't aware of it, but yeah, great news!

LooseCannon said:
Nobody's too sure what the setlist will be....

Enormous ! Let's hope for some surprises  :)
Uh, mate... the post you quoted is over a year old. Just thought I'd tell you...
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