Thanks ObamaFucking pieces of shit stole my bicycle.
Not a healthy attitude, mein Freund, not at all, trust me. Books never make amends, ever. Scripta manent, u no.I am an academic because I like books more than I like people.
It frustrates me to no end that academia celebrates the "it's who you know, not what you know" dogma more than anything else. I'm an introvert. I am an academic because I like books more than I like people. I scream internally every time I go through the whole "what is it you do? - oh, that's so interesting!" routine.
Forced jollity ...It's not only academia, unfortunately, that happens in a good many professional circles. I think Flash hits the nail on the head, it's not so much being genuinely social as the really fake stuff that goes along with networking.
It hisses only when this pair of speakers is connected directly to this laptop. It doesn't hiss when I connect headphones to the laptop, or speakers to my phone. I'm losing my fucking mind over this.
What happened?
I'd be inclined not to wait that long, since the guy has clearly done a bunk - do you actually know the precise nature of everything he's abandoned in that storeroom?I am officially angry.
As I may have mentioned earlier, I bought a new apartment this summer. The one I bought it from had not emptied the storage room when I took over, but I got his signature that he would empty it by July 30th.
July 30th came and went, the fucker had fucked off to Thailand on vacation and answered the fucking phone once during the first half of August. Promised he'd arrange with me or the sales agent to retrieve his stuff once he got home. IT is now late September and the bloody idiot hasn't answered the phone in weeks. I contacted the insurance company where I have signed up for an insurance for this purchase, and got to talk to a lawyer. He advised me to give the seller a deadline for retrieving the shit, otherwise I would get rid of it myself. The reasonable thought would be to let the seller pay for that but I doubt that will happen as there have been multiple letters sent to this address (to the seller) coming from debt collection companies ... and dragging the fucking bastard to court for a few thousand NOK just isn't worth it.
This might take an interesting turn now as the last few days, there's been an increase in letters arriving in my mailbox, but meant for the fucking idiot. One of the letters I found today were from the district court of Malmö, Sweden. I wonder if I should contact the police if he doesn't come to pick up that letter.
Surely there must be someone you can report this person to, anonymously? Sounds like she shouldn't be keeping animals at all, dangerous or not.To add to this frustrating situation, my parents' dog (Victor, an English Setter) was injured last week when he was attacked by a bigger dog (a Riesenschnauzer). Said dog has attacked other dogs (and people) before and should obviously not be allowed to roam free. In my opinion it should either be put down or at least placed with an owner who had the expertise to solve the behavioral issues that dog has. Instead, it lives with a completely irresponsible person (I know her, she's a relative) who thinks she knows everything about dogs. THEN WHY IS YOUR DOG ATTACKING OTHERS REPEATEDLY? And why do you think "I wasn't able to hold him back" is a valid excuse when you've used it a hundred times before??? Idiot.
Our (or my parents') dog had nasty bite/scratch marks on his hip and has been on painkillers and antibiotics for a week and has to wear a screen to keep him from licking the wound.
Why do people have to be irresponsible idiots? Fuck off, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER AND BEHAVE LIKE GROWN UPS!!!
I don't know the nature of all of it, no - I suspect a lot of it is clothes. I have given (by text message and by letter) a deadline of October 14th. If stuff isn't gone by then, I will have it removed.I'd be inclined not to wait that long, since the guy has clearly done a bunk - do you actually know the precise nature of everything he's abandoned in that storeroom?
I agree she shouldn't, but I don't think she'll be having animals for much longer. The aggressive dog is 8 years, I think - and that breed typically don't get much older than 10. She has one which is older too (mother of the other one) which is in extra time. I doubt she'll be getting new dogs as she's more than 70 years old. And I think her son (my second cousin) would be able to talk her from it.Surely there must be someone you can report this person to, anonymously? Sounds like she shouldn't be keeping animals at all, dangerous or not.
What I was thinking was, is it certainly all as innocuous as clothes and junk? Are unpaid debts the only things he's running away from?I don't know the nature of all of it, no - I suspect a lot of it is clothes. I have given (by text message and by letter) a deadline of October 14th. If stuff isn't gone by then, I will have it removed.
The last time I got a reply by phone it wasn't him, but a female family member who also said they'd come for the stuff "within the next week" - and that was on September 8th. Since then not a sound.