Mom's manfriend has way too much free time so he used to e-mail stupid innapropriate shit to everyone for years. But with the rise of smartphones he moved to his phone instead and now does it via Viber/Whatsapp/Facebook. So I get to the library yesterday, turn on the laptop and when it booted up I get a Viber message. I open it and ofc, he sent me porn. I managed to close it before anyone saw, and text him "Man stop sending me that stuff on Viber, I'm in the library", which IMO is more than reasonable for me. He's like "I'll never send you stuff again"

Then I see both of them in the mall by accident and he's like "WTF so rude" etc etc.
Usually I wouldn't give a fuck, but now I'll have to go smooth things over and pretend I did something wrong (which I didn't) because if I don't, there's a high chance I won't get the tickets for the Scorpions show from my mom/him, because they like blackmailing me

(They got the tickets as present but hate metal/rock)