Random trivia

Actually, yes, the Fighting Illini is the University of Illinois team name.  Its named after Chief Illiniwek, but they don't use the symbol of a Native American anymore.  The name, however, is still used.
All sport teams of UCLA are called the Bruins?
Bruins basketball team
Bruins baseball team
Bruins football team etc?
Yeah, thats my understanding.  They even have an 'official UCLA Bruins' athletic website, and they include their golf team, track and field, watersports, as well as all that you listed.
We're from the states, not usually required to be too imaginative!  :D  --Where my kids go to school, sometimes we preface the girls team with 'Lady'....thats about as good as we get...
The request is for '5', so far the answers are thus:

Notre Dame Fightin' Irish

U of I Fighting Illini

The Stanford Cardinal  (supposedly for the Catholic Cardinal instead of a bird)

The Harvard Crimson

I know of two more, one finishes the answer. I'll let you stew for a while, and post the answers later-- I am sure there could be more than the ones I know of, like the Crimson answer.
Tom Hanks was on British TV a few days back (promoting his latest film, obviously) and he started on about funny sounding names of our football teams - and he cited Aston Villa as an example (apparently, he is a big fan of Villa – possibly based on the funny sounding name, I don’t know. After all, as a kid I would always root for the Wasps rugby team :D).

But with names like Notre Dame Fightin' Irish? Surely Aston Villa can't sound that strange against that?
Forostar said:
Alright. Not very imaginative, if you ask me.

In the USA, Forostar, collegate athleteics is a major focus of funding and advertisment.  They use the sports team's name as a brand.
Well, its like LC said, its a branding thing.  I don't know how it started, but it is a huge deal, and we like our 'mascots'. And multiple team names for one school makes it difficult, because if you want to show your 'alligiance' to the school, having one hat for basketball, one for football and one for hockey would be difficult.

OK, I have to be off, so here are the two remaining ones that I know:

Syracuse Orangemen (however, they are also called just 'Orange')

Alabama Crimson Tide

Thanks for playing!
The mascots convinced me. They should be connected to the name indeed.

What happened in Nova Scotia at 2:00AM on Sunday, April 15, 1923?

The same happened in British Columbia on 15 July 1920, and on Prince Edward Island on 1 May 1924.
It also happened in Croatia after the collapse of the Austro Hungarian Empire.
In Russia it happened by the decree of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna on February 5, 1752.
In Sweden it happened on 3 September 1967.
Hmm, 3. september 1967 in Sweden reversed the traffic pattern from left to right. But i don't see how could that happen in 18th century Russia.
Zare said:
Hmm, 3. september 1967 in Sweden reversed the traffic pattern from left to right. But i don't see how could that happen in 18th century Russia.
Funnily enough, the other day a friend and I were talking about the fact that Sweden changed from changed from left to right hand side driving - and that was going to be my answer. Possibly Russia changed marching on the left to marching on the right in the 1800's?