Random trivia

How many countries in Europe have a bigger population than the Netherlands? If you can mention the countries as well, you'll get free bonus points. :)

Two tips:
-I count the UK as "one country" for this question so no seperate entries of the states within, please.
-Turkey won't do because the majority of its population lives in the Asian part. In the European part there live less people than in the Netherlands.
My suggestion:
Not really sure on Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

cornfedhick said:
Acrobat: Out of curiosity, what is the 'official' tally on the number of definitions of "set"?  My office dictionary is much less inclusive than, for example, the unabridged OED (is that considered the authoritative version?), though it does appear to have upwards of 50 definitions.  Thanks
From wikipedia: Set has 464 separate definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary, the most of any English word; its full definition comprises 10,000 words making it the longest definition in the OED.
The two of you did it. First guess correct!?! Where NA shows he's honest about the Balkans and Eastern Europe, I hardly can't believe you, LC, if you would state that you know this without looking it up. I know this is quite an accusation but I just don't believe it, sorry.

Most people (even in Europe) think more countries have a bigger population. At least they would have doubts, and they would make mistakes. For example, myself, I had doubts about Bulgaria, Greece, Belarus, Czech Repubic & Hungary.

1  Russia              141,862,000
2  Germany            82,314,906
3  France              63,392,140
4  United Kingdom   60,852,828
5  Italy                 59,131,287
6  Ukraine              46,481,000
7  Spain                44,474,631
8  Poland               38,125,479
9  Romania             21,565,119
10  Netherlands      16,357,992

This is a list of European countries and dependencies by population as of January 1, 2007

So the answer is 9.

national acrobat said:
From wikipedia: Set has 464 separate definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary, the most of any English word; its full definition comprises 10,000 words making it the longest definition in the OED.

That' s insane!
In that vein, name all the independent countries in the world with a population of over 100 million.
Forostar said:
I hardly can't believe you, LC, if you would state that you know this without looking it up. I know this is quite an accusation but I just don't believe it, sorry.

You're allowed to disbelieve, but I really am that good.  I have a head for statistics and all I ever do at work is read the CIA World Fact Book and Wikipedia.  It was really just educated guesses.  I figured the Netherlands (which is one of the most densely populated countries in the world) had a pop of appx. 14-15 million, so it was just a matter of choosing the countries with a larger population.  Which means a larger land mass significantly...and the only two that NA missed was Romania and Ukraine.
Perun said:
In that vein, name all the independent countries in the world with a population of over 100 million.

People's Republic of China
United States of America
Hmm....I think there's two more.  Possibly...Argentina and...Sudan?  No, not Sudan.  Probably not Argentina either.  I still think there's two more.
Choosing on wiki, some other source, or choosing from your brain? How in the world could you know how many people live in Bulgaria, or e.g. Belarus?

By the way, cool job.
IIRC, about 10 million in each.  Bulgaria is a small country, and not that urban.  Only one or two really large urban centres.  Belarus is big, yes, but sparsely populated, only Minsk (is it Minsk?  Yes, it is.) is a massive urban centre again.  Very rural.
Loosey got most of them. From the top of my head, I can only think of two others, one being in Asia, the other in Africa.
Those countries are both way bigger than Holland. I know that they are sparsely populated but so are Ukraine and Russia. So how the hell did you know where to draw the line?
LooseCannon said:
IIRC, about 10 million in each.  Bulgaria is a small country, and not that urban.  Only one or two really large urban centres.  Belarus is big, yes, but sparsely populated, only Minsk (is it Minsk?  Yes, it is.) is a massive urban centre again.  Very rural.

Just read this. You're not quite correc there, Bulgaria has at least three urban centres (Sofia, Varna and some other town I forgot). Belarus has three, if I remember correctly, and you should know them: Minsk, Brest Litovsk and Bialystok.
He cheats, Forostar! Don't listen to him!  :P

j/k LC, but that impresses me that you know all that stuff off of the top of your head. I suppose you know what the score was in the Giants/Cowboys game last night?  :lol:
I indeed don't believe it. It happened too often in this topic. I can't prove it but it doesn't feel right, sorry. I see through it. Anyway, I could pretend exactly the same, simply because I can find very fast and very well on the internet. That's nice and handy, but not in this topic.
Oh really? I didn't know you followed the NFL... :P

You probably watched it anyhow. No matter, I'm just messing with you.  :lol:

Super Bowl prediction: New England vs. Green Bay. It should be a close game...if Favre wins, wouldn't he be the oldest QB to win a Super Bowl (38)? Elway was old when he won it in...1999 was it? Memory escapes me...

*I know I'm in the wrong thread for this, this wouldn't exactly be trivia.
ForoUnbeliever said:
Those countries are both way bigger than Holland. I know that they are sparsely populated but so are Ukraine and Russia. So how the hell did you know where to draw the line?

Again.  Population density.  Holland is fucking full of people.  Belarus is fairly empty.  Besides, I had to learn all the demographics of the breakoff Soviet republics for my Russian politics course in 2004-05, and I don't think that Belarus got an extra 5+ million people since then.

You're right, Perun, but in each, only the capital is a true metropolis.  I think Brest-Litovsk is the only other big one...
Forostar said:
I indeed don't believe it. It happened too often in this topic. I can't prove it but it doesn't feel right, sorry. I see through it.

Come to the chat and quiz me.  I'll gladly supply screen shots or speed answers or anything you want.
No, we didn't, because the section on "international relations with former Soviet States" didn't encompass those.

And I don't know population densities by heart.  I know approximate densities by heart.  Like: "Dense.  Really dense.  Super duper dense. The Dutch."

It's called "educated guessing", and having a decent base idea of Holland's population.  I was tempted to add Belgium into my list, by the way, and Portugal, but I left them off, figuring someone would say, "Oh, you're missing one/two" then I could add them in later.

That's called playing the game.
Forostar said:
...how can you know the sizes of all countries in Europe?

Oh, this one, I have seen a map.
Portugal really isn't dense. It's very rural- it really only has two urban centres. Although I will agree with you that its population is surprisingly high for those conditions.
Yeah.  I really don't know about Portugal so much, I just knew it had quite a few people compared to some states of similar size.  I mentally pegged it at around 8-10 million, but I knew I could easily be wrong by a few million.  Belgium I thought was around 10-12 million, but once again I could have been +/- 3 or so.  I only chose countries which I was reasonable sure had 20 million +.
What I think or say is not entirely based on what happened today. For years I have wondered about your exact knowledge on every matter in this topic. I mean, that is unbelievable, even if it's the truth.

If you're so good, why are you no millionaire then? By doing this on television or something?