Random trivia

This question is so hard I couldn't even find the answer on Wikipedia, good job Perun :D
Right, I, like NP, have just had a good look (cheated!) at the Wiki page for UK films; admissions & cash. I don't see any British films that came anywhere near US releases at the time, or before. Either the Wiki page, which looks pretty detailed, is missing some vital piece of information; I've not read it properly; this is a trick question; or... Perun is making this up! :p
The British Film Institute (1933) isn't as old as the Battle of the Somme.
The BFI might not have checked films older than their own existence (using only own data).
It's possible that the data I have only refers to the first six weeks - but then the source I initially read it in misled me.
New question: what is the fastest speed at which a human being has thrown an object?

I will tell you that the answer is easily obtainable from Google. I'll even tell you the record is the fastball record in American major league baseball, so baseball fans may know it. Please don't cheat; I'm curious to see how close you guys guess without looking.
Tennis players can serve at over 100mph; canny mind the record, but it's in the 140+ range. So, I reckon someone can probably throw about that fast.

My guess: 132mph.
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Still too fast ... anyone else? I'll give it a couple hours and then (since like I said, the answer is easy to find) something interesting.