Random trivia

Albie said:
OK, here is my thinking. Clydesdale is a Scottish name, so it is most likely that a Scot would have named a breed of horse Clydesdale. If this were the case and if the predominant settler in Ontario was the Scots, then that would possibly be the reason for favouring this horse. As for the Alberta et al, could this be the French settlers?

Bit of a guess, but worth a shot. :D

Close enough, Albie! Clydesdales are great work horses, and are from Scotland. Many of Ontario's early settlers came from Scotland, and thus brought their favourite horses. They kept on with them because the big beasts were great for hauling timber in the thousands of lumber camps in the colony.

Percherons were popular in Alberta because they are better suited to farm work and swift riding. The horses came originally from France, but most of Alberta's first settlers were from Eastern Europe and England (they brought the breeding stock with them).

It was tough and obscure, but you got it fairly well!
Ok, so I read Donuts' question and all I get is one big question mark materializing in my head...
That's what's happening to me with all his questions. I can hardly remember any question of his which was ever answered by anyone on this forum. Actually, to me, Loosey's answer sounded pretty OK. :)
I guess i made the question to ambiguous, it's the location where the place had a currency that's literally burderning, ie. hard to carry/use. They were HUGE stone disks that were used at legal tender back then.
Hey just taking part  :) If you were confused with my question then it's probably my lack of clues, my bad.
When I first asked my question I was really meaning the term literally, not as a figure of speech. While gold is a burden, it isn't what I'm looking for, I asked for the place, and in my previous post I added a clue about the giant disks currency, which i should have added to the initial question. The question should have been "This location holds the location for the most burdening form of currency, which are giant stone disks used for everyday transactions :) This confusion is my fault for not completing the question more thoroughly. I'm sorry.
Mmm...Donuts said:
When I first asked my question I was really meaning the term literally, not as a figure of speech. While gold is a burden, it isn't what I'm looking for, I asked for the place, and in my previous post I added a clue about the giant disks currency, which i should have added to the initial question. The question should have been "This location holds the location for the most burdening form of currency, which are giant stone disks used for everyday transactions :) This confusion is my fault for not completing the question more thoroughly. I'm sorry.

I actually remember reading about this currency. I don't remember the exact place though.

One of the pre-Columbian civillizations of the Americas?
What's weird about this currency is that quite a number of the stone disks were used, and this place is an island. It's not that prehistoric, more on the sides of less than half a century.
No man, you're not going to get away with this. You proved to this forum that you prediction skills suck.  :P

Now uhh, who will be president? *runs*  ;)
Ah, whatever. You won't get me all heated up and excited over a little game of American Football. For that you'll need some real football. Oh that's right, European Championship 2008! Wait, where do you say it's being held? Austria and Switzerland? With the finals in Vienna? NOW you've got me interested.
Perhaps way too easy this one, perhaps not, anyway give it a shot:

Mention at least three metal album titles (plus artists), of which the first word is:

If we can't get at least one, we should hang our heads in shame. But I can't think of any more - I don't own any other album that falls into this category.
2 other albums (besides the obvious one you are referring to) that come to my mind are both:
- by European bands
- released in the 90s
Not a European band and arguably not metal (but certainly hard rock -- how to draw these lines?):  Social Distortion, Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell.  Great band, by the way, but guilty of putting only 3-4 good songs on an album with the rest just filler. 