Random thoughts

Forostar said:
Perhaps a thought about Iron Lady Tatcher helped Steve to complete the name.
Not that I wish to be pedantic, but Maiden came about before she got that nickname. Only by a few months, mind.
in fact not even a month : Xmass 1975 -19 January 1976
so maybe Steve got the idea a bit after

On 19 January 1976, she made a speech in Kensington Town Hall in which she made a scathing attack on the Soviet Union. The most famous part of her speech ran:

“ The Russians are bent on world dominance, and they are rapidly acquiring the means to become the most powerful imperial nation the world has seen. The men in the Soviet Politburo do not have to worry about the ebb and flow of public opinion. They put guns before butter, while we put just about everything before guns.[34] ”

In response, the Soviet Defence Ministry newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) gave her the nickname "Iron Lady".[34]
Old King dude:  "Put them in the iron maiden."

Bill and Ted:  "Iron Maiden?!  Excellent!!!!"

Old King dude:  "Execute them."

Bill and Ted:  "Bogus."
I bought a new computer yesterday.  Well, placed it on order.  It's a Dell, since there's just no way I could ever afford a Mac.  But it's a sick machine, and I'm excited as hell.
Wasted155 said:
Damn, LC-- I'm sure its sick, but I might be disappointed!   ;)

Well, the difference is that the parents agreed to make half the monthly payments on the new box, but not pay for half of a Mac up front, and Apple doesn't do financing in Canada.  So...I need a new computer.  And that's the end of it, unfortunately.
I dig-- that's cool.  I'll just know that I'm still one of the few on the Mac  :P

Is this where I say "Dude, you're gettin' a Dell"
You could.

Of course, I'd *never* partition the hard drive on the new computer and install Mac OS X with a hacked bootloader.  That would be illegal and that would not be a good choice of action, would it?
LooseCannon said:
I bought a new computer yesterday.  Well, placed it on order.  It's a Dell, since there's just no way I could ever afford a Mac.  But it's a sick machine, and I'm excited as hell.

that's quite funny.....
I was thinking of you earlier this morning and wondered what kind of computer could you have
now you came with that post out of blue with the answer
LooseCannon said:
You could.

Of course, I'd *never* partition the hard drive on the new computer and install Mac OS X with a hacked bootloader.  That would be illegal and that would not be a good choice of action, would it?

Of course you wouldn't do that!  I couldn't imagine you doing something like that...
So I met this girl last night, well she's a neighbor over here at the apartments that we live in, and she told me I was cute and stuff. (Now remember I have a lot of anxiety/panic issues, so this was a big step for me). So she ends up walking over towards me and I ended up hugging her, and I was so nervous because I wanted to kiss her, but I wasn't sure if I should. We end up kissing and I was feeling happy inside. I knew I had seen her before, but she had had a boyfriend, then she tells me she doesn't and they broke up awhile back. I look at her ring finger and I see a ring of it, but I didn't take much thought of it at that point in time. I go to her MySpace today and find out that she has a boyfriend and that they're engaged? Heartbreaker? I guess so.
Well she told me that she had just recently broken up with him, so maybe she hasn't changed her MySpace or something?
Or she lied to you, which is a definite big warning flag.  It says "CRAZY GIRL OVER HERE!"
And you think you've got problems.
I got told today that the chick I planned to ask out tomorrow is responsible for her ex-boyfriend's suicide.

Is it just me or are all the women I meet freaks?
Dude, with very few exceptions, chicks are off the wall (no offense intended to normal chicks).  I know so many girls that are just deceitful, and usually in a power struggle.  Usually, the normal girls that I know grew up in an atmosphere where they had 'power' over their choices. 

dunno, but me and full time relationships don't mix any more.
Perun said:
And you think you've got problems.
I got told today that the chick I planned to ask out tomorrow is responsible for her ex-boyfriend's suicide.

Is it just me or are all the women I meet freaks?

Hmm, do I have a letter to write you...
Wasted155 said:
Dude, with very few exceptions, chicks are off the wall (no offense intended to normal chicks).   I know so many girls that are just deceitful, and usually in a power struggle.  Usually, the normal girls that I know grew up in an atmosphere where they had 'power' over their choices. 

dunno, but me and full time relationships don't mix any more.
I definitely know where you are coming from on that last part, that's for sure. I have only been in one serious relationship and it was a great/horrible experience all in all.