The Dissident
Ancient Mariner

Master Of The Moon - Dio
Format: CD/Digital
Dio's final studio album well the bands that is for the singer the second to last. It kicks off with a short and direct rocker called One More For The Road it has the typical Dio sound right off the start and would have been a good opener. Ronnie sounds strong at the ripe age of 60 years old on this higher energy track, the guitars are down tuned and crunchy, the track itself is puncy and catchy throughout. Not the energy level of We Rock, or Stand Up and Shout but still good and quick. Master Of The Moon begins moody and and the track slows down quite a bit, and frankly the track isn't that amazing. It is solid at best. Ronnie sings well but the track doesn't hook you nor does it offer anything particularily great. The End Of The World slowly fades in before becoming a mid tempo track Ronnie's age is showing in his delivery on this track, he sounds strained in some places that being said it is a better track than the previous one, but not the quality one would expect from the man who wrote the likes of Don't Talk To Strangers and Bible Black oh well I'm sure somebody enjoys this song quite a bit. Shivers increases in tempo slightly, a good foot stomping beat from the start of the track, Ronnie still sounds aged but stronger than the previous track. I think the chorus isn't quite as good as the verses, if the tempo increased instead of decreased during it I believe it would be more impactful. Craig delivers a good solo here and the track as a whole is a step up from the previous two and more in line with what I had expected. The ending of the track feels different from the majority of the track it could have been an interesting way to extend the track further. The Man Who Would Be King opens with piano and the track appears to be a ballad from the first impressions, the track does shift to a heavier sound shortly but it remains slow, and I find on the slower tracks in Ronnie's later career he isn't quite as powerful sounding despite his pipes holding up incredibly well at 60, this track shows the cracks. Craig delivers another well done solo. The Eyes is the longest track on the album clocking in at six and a half minutes, this track has a Sabbath feel to it, it is dark and moody, but not the most amazing epic track ever. Living The Lie is a crunchy rocker which picks the pace up nicely from the past two slower tracks. Tracks like this are what I expected from the album, hard rocking and with some crunch to them, with Ronnie delivering stellar midranged vocals throughout. A much needed boost in energy with a strong outro solo. Slowing down once again I Am takes a more bombastic approach to the midtempo style from previous tracks, the third track to my knowledge in his discography where he uses the I AM approach during the a component of the track and like the previous two songs he does a stellar job with the chorus. One of the better tracks thus far on the album. Death By Love is the only song on the album to feature a writing credit from a former band member, like the last few tracks this is on the stronger side of the album, clearly the band had some pretty solid ideas and some not so much. Album closer In Dreams comes in like those before it, mid tempo, not much to say here it is a decent track there are several tracks which are much worse on the album, but there are a couple which are better. A solid album but not one of Dio's greats
One More For The Road - 8.5/10
Master Of The Moon -6.5/10
The End Of The World -7/10
Shivers - 8/10
The Man Who Would Be King -7.5/10
The Eyes -7/10
Living The Lie - 8/10
I Am - 8.5/10
Death By Love -8/10
In Dreams -8/10
Adjusted - 77%
Overall 77%
3 Stars