The Dissident
Ancient Mariner

Iced Earth - The Dark Saga
Format: CD/Digital
Iced Earth's fourth album opens up with the title track of the album, Dark Saga begins by slowly building up creating an atmosphere of darkness right from the start. The song does eventually shift away from the atmospheric introduction into a crunchy rocker which here and there goes back into a more atmospheric feeling. From my understanding this is a concept record following a comic book, which explains the awesome cover art. Barlow is a strong vocalist, not entirely my cup of tea on some of the songs I've heard but there are some Iced Earth songs I've heard that have been on rotation lately. I Died For You comes in from the ending of the previous track, another slower introduction with Barlow singing calmly over equally calm instrumental work. This track is quite similar to the previous in terms of the pick up then slowing of tempo, it has a catchier chorus and Barlow's vocals are stronger as well, it feels like a more ballad like track without going fully into the tropes. The outro gives more hints towards a more powerful chorus to come. Violate is the first track to come with a more upbeat approach to it and doesn't waste much time making that introduction come accross as slow. Some of the vocals aren't my cup of tea but the energy and thunderous guitar work reallys alligns this song with the bands thrash metal genre listing. The solo section is rather melodic comparred to the work throughout the rest of the song. The Hunter opens with a bass introduction and there is more power in the vocals of the verse from the start than there was in Violate, The Hunter is another more upbeat and aggressive track and where in parts the previous track didn't quite click this track fits quite well, the choir behind Barlow is great and the verses have a punch to them. The Last Laugh fades in with a speedy drum intro and the thrash style is more prominent here, it works but I don't find it amazing. Depths Of Hell is the shortest track of the album, the instrumental is hard hitting while Barlow sings slowly on the introduction, not much to say about this one. Vengeance Is Mine comes up next like many others it begins melodic before kicking off into a hard rocking aggressive track, Barlow delivers some killer vocals throughout this track, the energy is infectious and punchy another solid track. Scarred I believe is the beginning of a 3 part track called The Suffering but I'm not 100% sure. Deep vocals paint a dark picture and the song takes a more melodic approach at for the first half before picking up in tempo about halfway through, there is two distinct vocal styles on the second component. Slave To The Dark continues seemlessly and begins to take the story on a darker turn, some nice wails early on and great punchy vocals throughout. Melodic soloing and all around just a strong track. A Question Of Heaven comes in with some slow and melodic singing and acoustic guitar, tying not just the past 3 songs together but the whole album this epic closer features all the best aspects of the album in one powerful package, the backing choir is back and used incredibly well throughout the track, vocals are dramatic and powerful from start to finish. Amazing closer.
Dark Saga - 7.5/10
I Died For You - 8.5/10
Violate - 7.5/10
The Hunter - 9/10
The Last Laugh - 7.5/10
Depths Of Hell - 7/10
Vengeance Is Mine - 8/10
Scarred - 8/10
Slave To The Dark - 9/10
A Question Of Heaven - 10/10
Adjusted -84%
Overall - 82%
3.5 Stars