Quest For Fire

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How good is Quest For Fire on a scale of 1-10?

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Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

4. Below par but not terrible. I don't find it crap just not interesting. The instrumental section is cool though.
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

5/10. Not that good, to be honest, but I would not skip it if playing the album.
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

Does this song rank near the bottom of the band’s top 150? Absolutely. Is a bad song? It’s not. The lyrics have that familiar whiff of cheddar, but it’s otherwise inoffensive, with a decent instrumental section. A low six.
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

It's not that bad, really. I can't believe all the 3's. (Now, I save 1s for Lady Gaga, 2s are for crappy dance orchestras and such, 3s for music that is listenable but not anywhere near good. QFF is not that bad).

Save the very cheesy lyrics and the ditto style of singing, it's quite enjoyable to me. The solo and the part leading up to the solo is actually quite good. I rate it 5.
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

An 8.

I don't give a fuck about the historically incorrect opening sentence. A great Maiden tune, full of strong melodies. Not unimportant: I think Adrian's solo on Quest For Fire is pure awesomeness, it's one of his top 5 solos. Raw, focused and very catchy. Also, I really like the way Steve Harris changes his bass-playing in the harmony of the mid of this song.
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

Yes, I absolutely love this song! Bruce's vocals in it are GREAT! If you put the music and vocals above the lyrics, it's a 9/10 and that's what I give it.
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

Somebody vote 2 so we can say this was unanimously all over the board.  :bigsmile:
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

9. Great intro (Coming Home intro reminds me of that, but slower), despite wrong historical facts on the lyrics (which I never gave a shit and people point as if it ruins the song for them) the song flows greatly and Bruce's singing is good enough to keep it nice, the instrumental section is brilliant with H and Davey's showing why they were already the most well interweaved guitar duo of Rock 'N' Roll and their solos are, once again, perfect in this song.
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

We just need somebody to give it 2 stars and then QfF will be the only song to receive everthing from 1-10 stars.  As it is, I think this is the song of the most disputable reputation and worth in Maiden discography.  Hard to believe, I know. :D
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

I give it 5/10. I almost treat this song as a novelty song and cringed the first few times (courtesy of Bruce's vocals) I played it, but over time I've come to not mind it, it's got some ok riffs.
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
I wonder who gave it a 10.
I really do wish that those who vote just give a small explanation as to why they did. It would be pretty good if the voting options where only available when you post in the thread.
Re: Daily Song: Quest For Fire

I'm the one who gave it a 1.

valacirca said:
150. Quest For Fire (Piece of Mind) -
"In a time when dinosaurs walked the earth..."

"Dinosaurs"? Seriously? This being a countdown and all, I open up  this list with my least favorite Iron Maiden track, and it's a no-brainer. It's from their classic era, so it stands out like a sore thumb. I don't care if some people argue that it's supposed to be tongue-in-cheek. All I know is that it features the cheesiest lyrics that Steve has ever written. The music is sub-par, the chorus is awful and everything plays out in a comically campy "bad power metal" sort of manner. The only enjoyable thing for me here is the intro, which lasts for a  good 15 seconds... after that, the opening line hits you like a sledgehammer. Makes me cringe every. single. time.


valacirca said:
FWIW, I vote relative to the rest of the band's songs.

This means that I might give a song a 2/10 relative to the Iron Maiden catalog... but in reality, it could be a 6/10 relative to all music I've heard in general.
Yes they are, in deed. They fit very well and naturally to the song. I didn't remember, so I had to put the song to my player.