My song-by-song review of Condition Hüman:
Arrow Of Time - Solid. Melodies are very Maidenish and chorus is fun.
Guardian - This one is awesome, I don't even mind the blatant "Revolution Calling" ripoff in the chorus

Could've done without the weird ending.
Hellfire - Mostly meh, but final chorus is good.
Toxic Remedy - Noticing a trend here... choruses are OK, but not much else is memorable.
Selfish Lives - This song has some interesting darker parts and a good solo.
Eye9 - Another OK song. Cool chorus again. Hope there's some faster stuff later on, 4 slower songs in a row already.
Bulletproof - Great ballad! Amazing chorus & vocals by Todd.
Hourglass - Solid chorus as usual, but nothing else is memorable, also, faster stuff please.
Just Us - This one is just weak, nothing good about it. FASTER SONGS!!!!!
All There Was - FINALLY something faster! OK song.
The Aftermath - Why is this a separate song?
Condition Hüman - Expected a bit more from the longest song on the album and the title track, but a solid song nonetheless.
Espiritu Muerto - OK for a bonus song.
Overall: Solid, enjoyable album. Will definitely go back to it, most songs sound like growers. It's way better than the first Toddrÿche album which in retrospect sounds like a demo compared to this album. Production is their best since like... forever.