Proposed forum layout change

"Meaningless polls" is good, but you should have called the setlist subforum "meaningless lists" too. On second thought, that would imply the existence of meaningful lists, so I don't know...
I have created a thread that is called ''Change some of the Maiden setlists'' and I think (not so sure though) the right place for it, is Make Your Own Setlist section.


Yes, it goes in the Make Your Own Setlist forum.
I moved all the Setlist threads to the new subforum, if I missed something, just link me the threads here and I'll move those too. And if anything needs to be moved to the Meaningless Polls subforum too.
^ Hold on a damn minute! Don't move the only thread I've ever opened to some thread dump section of the forum. There's lots of sensible chitchat in there. The poll, of course, was totally meaningless as I was always going to vote remain.
Also, why is there a sticky thread "Create your own Iron Maiden setlist" in the Make Your Own Setlist subforum?

Is this setlist thread of particular importance? o_O