Ancient Mariner
Great, although before that second vote for Mist appeared I was wondering whether this will die off once every active Opeth fan votes in such a way that every song has exactly one vote and you'll be too annoyed to continue
So far our Maiden choice is the same as my prediction for the ultimate fan choice - I honestly think they'll gonna pick the opener.
Also, considering the fact Opeth have been talked about in the GMAC as well I'm kinda toying with the idea of updating that document I made with every Opeth mention and discussion that I found - until it becomes too large a change to update in one sitting. I actually find myself quite often going through that along my listening and indeed - thank you all for your thoughts and contributions in the past threads, discussions, Survivors etc. Probably my most cherished treasure of this forum
(to wit - it's mostly opinions on particular songs and albums, put together across the forum and across the threads, so you can look up, dunno, for example The Grand Conjuration and you see how people talked about it in various survivors and thread, how their opinions developed etc).
Connected with that: Once again, @Night Prowler I beg of thee to reconsider your sourpussiness and begrudgingly at least participate in another Opeth Survivor. And I ask all of you as well - @Mosh , @The Flash , @Detective Beauregard , @MrKnickerbocker , @Forostar (I appreciate even the early albums and there are negative things I could say about Still Life!
), @Cornfed Hick , @Saapanael (c'mon, even Petrucci would approve!), @Black Wizard , @Midnight , @Brigantium , @Ariana (hey, I got into Alter Bridge for you, so do an Opeth new-vivor for me
), @karljant (you certainly didn't participate last time, 'cause I don't have your posts in that document I mentioned), @Collin (I'll carefully go through the entire Tool discography for you!), @Diesel 11 (hey, the previous Opeth survivors along with the last Dream Theater survivor were a prototype of your graphomania approach even before your time! You should honor the tradition), @Onhell and everyone else you can get. Anyone? @Perun ? @LooseCannon ? @KidInTheDark666 ? Do we even have other members? 
I didn't have the chance to participate the last time and I need an excuse to actually spend that much time doing a long write-ups, 'cause there's a lot of stuff in my life that should have preference now, but I'll do so if you're gonna join me. And I've been thinking about what would I write about the albums and songs for the past year or so at least. Also, this time around we could have actually more voters, if the people above heed my call.
If you wish, I might even try hosting it, I never did so before and I'm kinda afraid, but I'm willing to do it. Yep, I'm that hell-bent.
Also, if anyone wanted to read the original version of that document before I update it, it's in the last post of the page 42 on this thread.
Let's do a send-off to the unique and challenging band. I promise I won't bother with this again.
If y'all decline, I'm gonna start a commented discography here, but that's really not as much fun. And you're gonna break my heart. As if I had any...

Also, considering the fact Opeth have been talked about in the GMAC as well I'm kinda toying with the idea of updating that document I made with every Opeth mention and discussion that I found - until it becomes too large a change to update in one sitting. I actually find myself quite often going through that along my listening and indeed - thank you all for your thoughts and contributions in the past threads, discussions, Survivors etc. Probably my most cherished treasure of this forum

Connected with that: Once again, @Night Prowler I beg of thee to reconsider your sourpussiness and begrudgingly at least participate in another Opeth Survivor. And I ask all of you as well - @Mosh , @The Flash , @Detective Beauregard , @MrKnickerbocker , @Forostar (I appreciate even the early albums and there are negative things I could say about Still Life!

I didn't have the chance to participate the last time and I need an excuse to actually spend that much time doing a long write-ups, 'cause there's a lot of stuff in my life that should have preference now, but I'll do so if you're gonna join me. And I've been thinking about what would I write about the albums and songs for the past year or so at least. Also, this time around we could have actually more voters, if the people above heed my call.
If you wish, I might even try hosting it, I never did so before and I'm kinda afraid, but I'm willing to do it. Yep, I'm that hell-bent.

Also, if anyone wanted to read the original version of that document before I update it, it's in the last post of the page 42 on this thread.
Let's do a send-off to the unique and challenging band. I promise I won't bother with this again.
If y'all decline, I'm gonna start a commented discography here, but that's really not as much fun. And you're gonna break my heart. As if I had any...