So after sleeping on it, some more detailed thoughts on TROS.
What I liked:
-Death Star Wreck. Great setting and the fight between Rey and Kylo worked for me. It would have been a lot more impactful if it hadn't been the umpteenth time they fought, but hey.
-Han's curtain call. That scene was really poignant.
-Kijimi. The whole location felt very Star Wars-y, and even if it was ultimately of no consequence, it was quite enjoyable.
-Leia. Handling her was probably the hardest thing to do in this film, and they did a good and respectful job with it. I felt uncomfortable watching her, but I don't know if there would have been a better way to go about it.
-Palpatine. The whole set-up around Palpatine was questionable, but Palpatine himself was great.
-Rey's healing powers actually amounting to something.
-Rey on Tattooine. I wasn't sure about this when I saw it, but looking back, I think that was a pretty good ending.
What I thought was meh:
-Rey being Palpatine's granddaughter. The film gave away in the opening crawl that Palpatine's back, and right afterwards that there is more to Rey's backstory, and... you know, Vader being Luke's father worked because it wasn't set up. It came out of nowhere. When it was revealed that Rey was Palpatine's granddaughter, my reaction was just, "Okay. So that's it."
-The Hindu planet celebrating Holi. Gotta find new markets, I guess.
-The whole scene on the Star Destroyer being a retread of the Death Star in ANH. It was a great sequence in the original, and merely brand recognition bait here.
-Lando fetching the cavalry. At least they didn't save the day all by themselves.
-The Kylo-heals-Rey-routine. I rolled my eyes when Kylo reappeared. That was just clichéd. If both Kylo and Rey had died, there would have been a real sense of sacrifice.
What I thought was stupid:
-Luke. So Force Ghosts can grab objects and move stuff around with the Force now. Could think of a few moments in other films when this would have come in handy.
-CGI Luke and Leia. Unnecessary and creepy.
-Threepio's memory being wiped only to be restored. How consequential.
-So there's a Sith planet and a Sith language now and thousands of black-clad guys hanging out and not doing anything. I thought Sith picked their apprentices from a pool of potentially-powerful Jedi, but now they're a species, or how am I supposed to understand this?
-That Sith compass. There's only two of them, but somehow a major workforce with at least hundreds of thousands of employees go there to build a super fleet. Which brings me to...
-Palpatine's plan. As much as I enjoyed Palpatine, I also thought it's kind of weird that he would be able to build a huge fleet of fully manned Death Star Destroyers without anybody noticing.
-Hyperspace skipping. Another one of those things you'd think they would have employed before at some point.
-Chewie gets a medal.