- The plot just keeps on propeling headlesly forward, pace is just unnormaly fast (at least first part hour or so.)
- Palpatine.
- Everything is overpowered - examples: Ray lifted stone with Force in previous one, now she's moving airships! ; First order had dozen Star Destroyers, now they have hundreds! (and each one can destroy a planet) ; Palpatin could make a person kneel with his lightining-fingers thingy, now he can take down a whole armada of airships from the sky.
- Everytime they moved to another act, it was always based on something from original trilogy (Lando, Death Star, Luke's X-wing etc.)
- The fact that everybody from previously 3 movies died, but not actually
- That CGI scene with young Luke and Leia
- Leia's death, which had same level of absurditiy as her flying around space in previous movie
- That Palpatine speech where he goes on and on that is Ray kills him, she will become ultimate Sith harvesting all the souls/history of the Siths. Did she do exactly that?
- Return of Klyo Ren’s “Darth Vader fu**** a duck” mask
- That Burning Man/Glastonbury festival in space
- Finn’s love interest. Wasn’t it Rose in previous one? And now he wants to say something to Ray (which doesn’t really get a conclusion) and later they really spent time on a scene where he meets another e-Stormtroper which gave a notion something would/could happen there?
- Nothing to do with the movie actually, but the title (Rise of the Skywalker) could be more fitting for previous movie, while this one would make sense to be called Last Jedi.
- That whole conclave of Siths who just stood there. What was their job except chanting?
- Thing with the Kylo / Ren speaking through space is kind of clumsy. They could speak planets apart in previous one, feel each other (although that makes that scene where Rey was on Star Destroyer a little foggy) and it even came to that they can teleport objects to one another. Yet they don’t see each other surroundings unless something moved? I couldn’t quite grasp the concept there.
- Why did Star Destroyers started to fall out of the sky in every place in the galaxy at the end of the movie?
- Didn’t know this until I finished watching episode VIII, but J.J. directing VII and IX, while other guy directed VIII seemed like each one of them tried to shi* on what the other person did making the whole trilogy clumsily disjointed.
- Rey’s identity theft
- Force healing played too big of a role, you could see they’ve put it early in the movie so you guess it would progress later on. Yet, reviving was just too much, especially because it was done by Kylo who hadn’t used it before in the movie.
- Awkward reveal of a spy on Death Destroyer.
- Palpatine, again. Not a single line to explain his past 30 years?!
- Preposition that we should already know the “the new” characters (Ren, Finn, Kylo and Poe) although they somehow managed to make them one-dimensional and there was no actual substance to build relationships between them.
- Each attempt at humour fell flat.
- Kylo and Rey’s lightsaber fights happened so often throughout the trilogy, by the end of this movie I think it was 6th or 7th already and since there were no new elements, each new one was more unmemorable than the previous.