Official Star Wars Thread

Good, but not "OMG I'M CRYING & JUMPING ON MY KEYBOARD" good. Then again, I've never been a diehard Star Wars fan :p
Nothing especially exciting.

My initial answer to this post was uncalled for and I apologise - but I really can't relate to this. A crashed Star Destroyer, a half-molten Vader helmet and Han and Chewie... and that's "nothing especially exciting"?
I'm with Maturin, it looks pretty good, meaning there's lots of nice visuals, but we still don't know shit about the story. I wouldn't like it if they revealed too much of the plot, but I'd like to know a bit more than what they revealed, which is nothing. But I just remembered that it's a JJ Abrams movie so I'm not really surprised :p
Han and Chewie at the end got me the most excited I've been in a long time.

As for the trailer not revealing anything: I like that. I don't really want to know anything about the story until I see the movie. All I want from these trailers is a look at the visuals and characters. Something to get me excited for the movie.
They streamed a panel from Celebration. It starts about 40 mins in. JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy and a lot of the cast. Very interesting

Han and Chewie! I hope there's a good reason for them being in there and they haven't thrown them in for the sake for it. Trailer looks good without giving away any plot at this stage.
Pretty cool that that BB8 droid is actually real. Amazing that they were able to do it. I assumed it was CGI when we saw it in the first teaser

I was looking forward to it until I saw the two letters under the word Battlefront.