Official Star Wars Thread

The opera house scene might just be the best moment in the entire prequel trilogy.
I'd put that as one of the best moments in the entire saga.

I thought Episode III was the only respectable of the 3 movies. The Phantom Menace is ok but it really drags at times. Attack of the Clones is tainted by bad acting, a weak plot, and one of the worst love stories I've ever seen on film. Episode III still had faults, but I felt like those were only particularly noticeable if you really thought about them. Taken at face value, it's a great movie. Loved all the action (the opening scene really harkened back to what made the originals so great) and the story parts were actually interesting.
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I didn't enjoy Episode III as much as the others, actually. It was darker than the others, not a bad thing of course, but lost the more fun and novel aspects of the other films.
I didn't enjoy Episode III as much as the others, actually. It was darker than the others, not a bad thing of course, but lost the more fun and novel aspects of the other films.

To be honest, the dark stuff was handled much better than the light hearted stuff.
The midichlorians thing was incredibly stupid though
It's heroin.

I think an underrated part of the prequels is the Trade Federation/CIS.
This goes back to what SMX has said. Lucas should have been in charge of spewing out ideas, and a competent science fiction director should have taken his whaaargarbl and put it into competent movie form. Lucas's lack of cash did that for IV, and the directors of V and VI did that.

The problem is that George Lucas makes movies that George Lucas understands and that George Lucas thinks are good. There's good IDEAS in the prequels, but the execution is shite. JJ executes.
Lucas really changed movie from a technical standpoint .. including theater setups, better sound, better images. I think he went way overboard with that stuff in the prequels, but he seemed to be serving 2 masters .. the story and the techie side of the house.
The midochlorians was just about the worst thing the prequels ever produced.
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Better, in that we may thank Adrian Smith that Lucas didn't think of Jar-Jar actually stepping in a toilet. Because I fear, if he had, we would have seen it.
Eh. There were far worse Jar Jar moments. The poop thing wasn't funny but it wasn't that big of a deal for me.

You do have to give Lucas credit for significantly diminishing Jar Jar's role in the 2nd and 3rd movies. He seemed really excited about that character initially and probably would've kept him at a prominent role if it wasn't for the backlash. So we know he pays at least a little bit of attention to fan response.
Now we know why the Emperor was so evil ... this is from an EU book
Star Wars fans waited a long, long time to find out the first name of big bad Emperor Palpatine, and they were sorely disappointed.

The name — which reportedly comes from new Star Wars book, Tarkin – is (saracastic drumroll) Sheev. That’s right. Sheev. Sheev Palpatine? Come on, guys, you know you can do better. We know that there are plenty of silly-sounding names in the Star Wars universe (and expanded universe), but this is a big character who’s name is kind of a big deal. It’s no wonder he tries so hard to get Luke to call him “Master.” All he wants is to erase the embarrassment that is his first name.
Apparently they got that name from old scripts of the original movies.

I always thought it was really cool that he only had the one name. It was a good idea to cut the Sheev thing when making the movies and while I haven't read the book, I'm not sure why it'd be necessary for it to ever be revealed
My daughter and I just came up with 15 or so Sheev jokes and stopped figuring he would have picked up force lightening by now