We have peace in our time
This is an assumption I don't understand - of course I understand the reference, but the assumption, I do not.
In 10 years time, does anyone seriously think that the USA/Russia/other powers will suddenly welcome Iran into the nuclear weapons-holding world? No, of course not. In 10 years the governments will continue the process of stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons.
Meanwhile Iran gets to prove they belong as a responsible member of the world of nations with 0 chance to develop a nuclear weapon. This agreement not only stops them for 10 years, it undoes 12+ years of Iranian research and development, and dismantles their infrastructure already built. If there is a hint they are breaking the agreement, then the sanctions return within 2 months. It seems like a very, very good deal.
Of course, there is the chance that they are going to lie, cheat and steal during this period. To which I say: if they are skilled enough to pull it off without being caught by the CIA/other intelligence agencies/UN inspectors, then we'd never have stopped them from getting a nuke anyway.
Finally, this is my thought: an unstable, poor Iran is a prime place for a terrorist network to obtain nuclear materials for any purpose. A more healthy and successful Iran is one that is more likely to keep their nuclear material, even what they are allowed, safeguarded against Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups.
Iran has been treated as an illegitimate member of nations for a long time, politically isolated and forced to operate through underground networks, whereas Hitler was treated as a legitimate government. The more appropriate parallel is when Egypt and Jordan opened talks with Israel - because Israel was treated the same way. It should be noted that the reason Iran wants nukes is because Israel has them, and they want to deter a possible Israeli nuclear strike. Neither of these nations should have nukes, but one does.
And finally, Bibi will drop his own bombs on Iran if he gets a whiff they're trying to pull this off.