Official Hockey discussion thread

Yeah, that was a beating if there ever was one. As far as the Pens go, they MIGHT be moving, but I think they are still making a big push to stay in Pittsburgh.
I was reading the paper and it stated a rule that I’ve never  herd before it said that every team has an 80 mile radius around there arena  and no two teams can over lap that “circle”(In less both franchises make an agreement of some sort E.G. Sabers and Leafs). So if the new owner of the Pens was to try and move the team to Kitchener-Waterloo or Hamilton the 80 mile circle would over lap with the Sabers and the Leafs so he would have to spend even  more money to convenes the two teams to let him have an arena there. Plus the cost of an arena  would cost to much and they would have to convenes the NHL commissioner to let the team move. So it looks like the Pens are staying in Pittsburg for a couple more years. :(
Prisoner Of Maiden said:
I was reading the paper and it stated a rule that I’ve never  herd before it said that every team has an 80 mile radius around there arena  and no two teams can over lap that “circle”(In less both franchises make an agreement of some sort E.G. Sabers and Leafs). So if the new owner of the Pens was to try and move the team to Kitchener-Waterloo or Hamilton the 80 mile circle would over lap with the Sabers and the Leafs so he would have to spend even  more money to convenes the two teams to let him have an arena there. Plus the cost of an arena  would cost to much and they would have to convenes the NHL commissioner to let the team move. So it looks like the Pens are staying in Pittsburg for a couple more years. :(

I was just looking into the Pens after the Montreal-Toronto game yesterday.  Go Habs! 
The whole territorial rights issue rubs me the wrong way.  Hamilton, my home town, can't get an NHL team because of the Leafs and Sabers.  Most people in the Greater Toronto Area do not support the Sabers, as most people in Canada do not.  There are plenty of anti-Leaf fans, including myself who love the Habs, those fans would eagerly support another NHL team in southern Ontario, be it Hamilton or even another Toronto team.  People pile up from 60 km in all directions to get to a Leafs game and most of them sell out too quickly and it is too expensive.  Competition will not hurt either the Leafs or the Sabers.  There are plenty of eager hockey fans around here.  The Rangers, Islanders and the Devils don't mind sharing.  Neither do the Ducks and the Kings.  Bah!  It is good for Pittsburgh to be keeping its hockey team, but there is definitely an untapped market in Hamilton, Toronto and Winnipeg.

More from these...
If I team were to move I'd rather it be the Ducks, Sabres, Lightning, Panthers or Coyotes. In short teams in states/cities that already have a team (i.e california and new york) or teams that reside in places not fit for hockey (i.e Florida and phoenix... swamp and desert? WTF? The pens should stay in pittsburgh, they only have Philly as in-state rival and they've been around for a while and have two cups (that is why I'd see the Sabres move instead of the Islanders). Thanks to Lemieux people care about the Pens and hockey in that city, it should stay that way.

But seriously, Even though I live in Tucson, am a HUGE hockey fan and can drive to Phoenix to watch games anyday... we do not deserve a team. Winnipeg or Quebec should get one again.
Onhell said:
If I team were to move I'd rather it be the Ducks, Sabres, Lightning, Panthers or Coyotes. In short teams in states/cities that already have a team (i.e california and new york) or teams that reside in places not fit for hockey (i.e Florida and phoenix... swamp and desert? WTF? The pens should stay in pittsburgh, they only have Philly as in-state rival and they've been around for a while and have two cups (that is why I'd see the Sabres move instead of the Islanders). Thanks to Lemieux people care about the Pens and hockey in that city, it should stay that way.

But seriously, Even though I live in Tucson, am a HUGE hockey fan and can drive to Phoenix to watch games anyday... we do not deserve a team. Winnipeg or Quebec should get one again.

You're right Onhell.  Pittsburgh does deserve a hockey team.  They were on the top just over a decade ago.  The team is up north, still hockey country.  Phoenix deserves a team too.  It is a large city and I believe (if I remember my stats it is the 5th largest city now and still growing fast).  Raleigh, NC and Nashville are not so large and I don't know I'd rather they fork over  ;) their teams.  By the way, I'll be in Phoenix in November and if I'm lucky may get to see a game.  :)

Besides, any team associated with Gretzky is a good team  ;).
LOL, yah, I'll give you that much that it is really cool knowing The Great One is a 2 hours drive away. I'm yet to see a game with him behind the bench though. The times I've gone have been to see the opposing teams (NYR two before the lock out and the Avalanche when Kariya and Salanne were there). We have a good line-up this year though.

However, it is early in the season yet certain patterns are starting to play out. Buffalo is on a 3 game winning streak and Carolina is on a 3 game losing streak. Sports Illustrated predicted Ducks taking the cup over the Sabres... at this pace the Sabres might be the ones to win. However these type of predictions will be easier to make in December, not 4 games into the season.
Onhell said:
LOL, yah, I'll give you that much that it is really cool knowing The Great One is a 2 hours drive away. I'm yet to see a game with him behind the bench though. The times I've gone have been to see the opposing teams (NYR two before the lock out and the Avalanche when Kariya and Salanne were there). We have a good line-up this year though.

However, it is early in the season yet certain patterns are starting to play out. Buffalo is on a 3 game winning streak and Carolina is on a 3 game losing streak. Sports Illustrated predicted Ducks taking the cup over the Sabres... at this pace the Sabres might be the ones to win. However these type of predictions will be easier to make in December, not 4 games into the season.

LOL.  Yeah you never know.  No one expected the Edmonton Oilers to get to the Stanley Cup last year, never mind the Stanley Cup final game #7.  Injuries, trades, player motivation, team morale and team communication ALL play a role.  New York Rangers always look good on paper, but rarely achieve their potential, for example.
That's because New York goes (well went) for flashy players rather than for Chemestry. One of the reason's L.A got to the finals in 93 and NYR won it in 94 is because basically all the players from the 80's Oilers ended up in those clubs (pratically half and half). So a lot of the chemistry was still there, not to mention they were good players. But money doesn't buy you stanley cups and they FINALLy learned that. The new NYR are a good team and they have great chemistry. In a way they cheated having like 5 or 6 Czech players to keep Jagr happy. Adding Shannahan was a GREAT move.

As for edmonton reaching the Finals... This is due to two things. The first being the expansion to 30 teams, before the talent gap between the #1 and #8 seed was rather apparent. Now if you make the playoffs you deserve it since you beat A LOT of teams to get their. Honestly any team that gets to the playoffs has a legitimate shot (proven by the ducks when they were 7th seed and by Edmonton last season.) The second reason is that the qualitiy of players is rising again. With the quick expansion teams were desperate for line-ups and any goon would do, which led to a lot of clutching and hooking, which led to star players (noteably Lemieux) complaining about the over aggresivenes in the game, which led to the change in rules. Now the talent pool is deeper and every team is well stocked with talented players... well many of them anyway. But if you notice, the change in rules wasn't necessary, at least I think so.

Before the rule changes teams like the Wild and the Lightning had found the formula to break and beat the defensive style of hockey mastered by New Jersey. They had young, small, talented (specifically FAST) players like Gaborik, Lecavalier and St. Louis. All teams are going that route now and the "The Trap" would have naturally died out, but now with the new rules sure hockey is more flashy but that grit and toughness it once had is gone.
Chemistry... that was the word that could not come off my tongue.  Good points and great post Onhell.  :ok:
I'd like to go back and change what I said about the Hurricanes leaving Raleigh.  They have a cup now, so they'll forever be associated with that city/state.  Every city deserves an NHL team if the people are willing to support it.  As far as I know there is really no NHL team that is suffering in that department.  Correct me if I'm wrong. 
So I listened to the Pens-Rangers game last night and it was AWESOME the pens won 6-5! The pens didn't play well, they allowed 42 shots, but the plus side is they have a kick ass goalie! 37 saves! compared to Lundqvist's 16 (that's right 6 goals in 22 shots!) This team is finding their offensive potential and I can't wait for Malkin to start playing. The game also showed their need for better D, but at least offense and goaltending are getting better.

Another note: That game was a close game all the way, two games that were interesting were Boston's 3-2 loss to St. Louis and Toronto's 7-6 loss to New Jersey, both in Shootout. WTF people?! Boston had the lead and lost it. Toronto was worse! they scored 5 (FIVE!!! AAARRGHH) goals in the second period! not only did they give up the lead, they lost the game. This also happened last season and I think it is a direct result of the new rules, teams are able to come back now, leads are harder to hold. Before one could consider a game over when the score eas 3-1 late in the second. Now we have teams like NJ scoring 3 in the third! Exciting times indeed.
Evgeni Malkin... 3 games... 3 goals.... nuff said

Buffalo... 8 games.... 8 wins... holy shit

Philly... 8 games.... 1-6-1.... holy shit, not to mention Clarke quit and Hitchcock got fired.

Hockey fan OUT!
Buffalo lost their winning streak, thanks to Atlanta.  That ties the Leafs from '93.  Speaking of Leafs, they beat the Canadiens 5:4 in shootouts.  That was sort of opposite of their first meeting.  I was so happy in the last 7 mins. of period 3 when Montreal scored 2 goals.  I think the shootouts went to like round 7 or 8.  There is always next time!
I was watching a segment during the intermission of the Sabres and Rangers game and they showed a clip of George laraque and another player. And before the face off laraque asked the other player if he wanted to go and wished him good luck and then they dropped the gloves. So I’m blabbing on about this to ask the question what do you think about fighting in the NHL and hockey in general. Should it be banned because it just becoming a joke by players staging it for publicity and it can be brutal and end careers. Or should it stay in the game to keep it entertaining and unique?

In my opinion I think that it should stay because when I play and some one dirty hits me I want to stick up for my self so I’m fighting from emotion witch I think is fine. And when a team is trailing and they need to get fired up one of the bigger guys will start a fight (And hopefully win) to get some energy back in the team.

So what do you think?
Fighting should stay because it is the only really physical thing left in this new pansy NHL (Defensemen are worthless now that they can't do their job). Not only that, I've always admired the fact that hockey is the only sport that takes into consideration that players can get frustrated to the point of wanting to beat another player up. Baseball, baketball, football and soccer all fine their players and teams insane amounts of money for fighting (anybody remember a certain head-butt?). Hockey on the other hand alots matching 5 minute penalties (which allows the players to cool off) and end of story. I really think the entertainment value of the fights are a latent function while it's primary function is to allow players to release some frustration which I think is very healthy.
Let 'em fight!  If they want it -- come and get it!  No crime, no foul!  Todd Bertuzzi's actions on the other hand were uncalled for.  I don't know how many guys here (what the 4 of us  :P) have heard of Montreal player Alex Perezhogin.  Back when he was playing in the AHL in Hamilton, he swung his stick heavily on the fallen Cleveland player Garrett Stafford over the head.  Overall, I think that Perezhogin got off easily.  He is in the NHL now, so I don't think he cares too much.  In summary, if both guys want it then it is great to see a fight.  But players have to remember that the game has greats like Gretzky who are not physical players and those and all players should not have a fight forced on them.

EDIT: Tonight the Leafs play the Canadians.  That should be great as always.  The Canadians got their assess whooped last time.  They're neck in neck and the Canadians have a slight edge - 1 point over the Leafs.  Go Canadians!
Don't kill me for the double post.

Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  :yey:

T.O. 3 -- Montreal 4 in shootout.  :yey:

Their 3rd game w/ a shootout.  Montreal leads 2:1.  This is a comeback from that beating Montreal took not long ago.  Montreal's great goal with about 8:40 left in the game, left me with the sneaking suspicion they'd take this one.  :D

Ottawa and Vancouver won their games, too.  Edmonton got their asses whooped, unfortunately.  The funniest thing is that Washington beat Buffalo like 7:4.  This is great news as the Sabers were a little too good at first; now they're losing more.  Montreal needs to catch up.  :D
Someone explain to me why Hasek is having one of the best years of his career?  He's the second oldest guy in the NHL!  He should *not* have a GAA of 1.84 after 21 games.  It's disgusting.  I don't understand it.
Well... He is playing in Detriot, and while they don't have Yzerman, Shannahan, Federov or Hull anymore, they do have a good defensive system in place... I think that explains it all.
Speaking of goalies, I thought that Martin Brodeur made one of the best saves I've seen against the Phillies this week.  He snatched that puck in lightning speed.

In other news, Canadians win against a weaker team.  They keep cutting it close though.
Leafs stop their seven game losing streak. 
The game was a lot closer than it should have been.  Aebischer let in a weak one.  4-2 would have been an appropriate score for the game.  Don't worry about the Habs, they're going to the 2nd round this year.
The Habs are the most consistent and best Canadian team so far this season.  My Spidey senses tell me that you're a Hab fan LC.  Am I right?