Official Football Thread

LooseCannon said:
Hey, I have one of those trumpets.

I have an equally annoying high-pitched plastic trumpet which formed part of an 'England Supporter's (novelty) pack' which someone got me from Argos a few years ago. But I don't blow it at football matches along with thousands of other numpties.
national acrobat said:
Everyone's missed the most important thing about the Confederations Cup - the ridiculous, most annoying plastic trumpets which they keep blowing. Fingers crossed FIFA ban them before the World Cup.

They will probably be banned because they can be used as a clubbing weapon. The reason is ridiculous but I don't care.  :D

Albie said:
He very nearly did - and then he missed his penalty.

He did? Wow, too bad I missed this thriller match. Well, he stil "decided" the match, hehe.
England were 3-0 up and Sweden came back to 3-3, right? I think that highlights an underlying problem with English football, that we can't defend a lead well as we're not a proficient possession-keeping team, which has been proved at most recent tournaments.
I can't believe what I'm seeing! I just come home, turn the TV on and see that the USA are leading vs Brazil!!!

Halftime: 2-0!

Come on yankees! :)

edit: ahh, still 2-3...
Well, Brazil finally got going and the Americans couldn't keep up. It wasn't really unexpected. Still, the Brazilians shouldn't be too pleased with themselves - if they go down 0-2 so early against a team like Germany or the Netherlands, they might not be able to make a similar comeback.
Ech, I don't like the American style pf playing soccer. Granted, they can put up a fight, but they have no technical prowess really all they do is run up and down the field, fouling and then taking pot shots at goal. I was very happy Brazil went in there and did what they do best in the second half. I sincerely hope Spain cleans up their defense in time for the World Cup because I don't want to see the USA anywhere near the final. Oh and FIFA PLEASE ban those damned trumpet thingies...
Every so often, people get a sense that soccer might become really popular in the U.S., but it has never actually happened.  Still, the fact that this got significant coverage on ESPN, including the lead story on SportsCenter, tells me that soccer is gaining more widespread appeal in the U.S.  This can only bode well for future international success.  If it ever gets to the point where the best normal-sized U.S. athletes (the freakishly large play football or basketball) start playing soccer instead of baseball, look out world. 
It's true, baseball's waning popularity may help there too.  I was really chuffed to hear the USA taking on one of football's greatest powers, Brazil.  Leading through a half against's huge!
I don't mind they have not showed a non-stop attacking style. I was impressed by their goalkeeper and (almost flying!) defenders. Defending which such spirit can also be nice to watch.
cornfedhick said:
If it ever gets to the point where the best normal-sized U.S. athletes (the freakishly large play football or basketball) start playing soccer instead of baseball, look out world. 
I'll agree with that - and I would also add that if Australia took it more seriously, they would become pretty damn good. After all, the Aussies are well renowned for their efforts in team sports.
OK, seriously - before today, did you ever expect this?

However, it means that Owen will be playing at the highest level again and that can only mean (should he stay injury free!) good news for England. But could he get in the current squad?
It's a good move for everyone I think - if he's fit he'll play, if he's not fit he can make an impact from the bench, and he will score goals. Hopefully he will get back into the England squad, Rooney's the only top-quality striker in there at the moment, and again I think he could act as a super-sub for England.
It's funny but before the news came outaboutOwen signing I was thinking about how Fergie would be wise to take him on a free. Why?
1: Free transfer - if it doesnt work out, it's cost them nothing
2: Owen is ap proven goal scorer at the highest level (premiership, La Liga and International)
3: Owen and Rooney have a lethal partnership at International level and could reproduce it for United
4: Lowish basic wage plus incentives for appearances/goals
5: Owen desperate to getback into the England set up before 2010

He'll obviously start as third choice behind Berba and Wazza but if he starts scoring goals Fergie will be tempted to play him more. i justhope his injuries of the last 4 years are behind him.
Best news I've heard today, Owen Hargreaves looks set to be fit for September! He was sorely missed last season especially in the Champions League Final where I believe his tenacious tackling would have upset the Barcelona rhythm.

Can Manu U be better without Ronaldo? A lot of the press and radio broadcasters are predicting this is the end for Man U because Tevez and Ronaldo have left the club. Whilst both are exceptional, wonderfully gifted players I am not so sure their presence will be missed as much as people are predicting.

Firstly Tevez. He was never a first choice at United and only managed 5 league goals last season, albeit some of them were priceless, last minute match winning goals. But he was never the first name on the team sheet.

Ronaldo. Despite all his goals, last season was United's worst goal return for 5 years. The success of last season wasnt Ronaldo but the fantastic defence including Van Der Sar's record breaking run of clean sheets. Fergie was guily (IMO) of relying too much on Ronaldo's goals to the detriment of Rooney's game.

So what does next season hold post Ronny and Tevez? Personally I think if Michael Owen stays fot he'll score 20 goals. Berbatov will shine this season. Valencia will provide countless assists. And Rooney will step up to the plate and have his best season for the club.

And with Hargreaves fit and raring to go to make up for last season I think we will be even harder to beat. Barca, where's our trophy?
Nice to see the guy from Chester scoring the winner in his debut  :D

If Hargreaves is ready by September I will raise my glass, he was sorely missed last spring, especially in the already mentioned final ... the job he did against Barcelona in the semi-finals in 2008 was one thing we missed in that match,

I'm curious about the newest signing, Mame Biram Diouf from Molde FK. Rumours are United are paying # 5 million, and I guess the guys in Molde are very pleased, since they're keeping him for the rest of the Norwegian season (which finishes in November). He's currently top scorer in Norway with 12 goals in 17 games. From what I've seen of him, I'm not sure he has something to offer United yet, but United have also sold Frazier Campbell and Manucho, so why not?
