Cigar City Jai Alai IPA
Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA
Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA
See @Black Wizard --some people outside of Glasgow actually like Tennent's!... or Tennent's (which became my choice when I was in Edinburgh this summer.
See @Black Wizard --some people outside of Glasgow actually like Tennent's!![]()
Canadian. If it was Canadien then it would parlais francais, monsieur.Canadien
Hey, it makes a difference to those of us who live here. Americans get really upset if we call them Gringos, which is what I hear it is in Mexican. (Calling @Onhell).Well, you should know! LMAO. I didn't think we had spell checkers running around here. Cool. You should be a great help to me in the future because I'm too impatient to check everything I type. BTW, I gave your CanadiAN beer a thumbs up. Is this Ballbust 101? LOL I must have been flashing back to French Class. Yes, I went sometimes. ;D
Of course we do! This is Maidenfans!Do we have a shopping thread?