Official Beer Thread

I don't consider myself a beer guy, but when I do drink it I opt for some light lager type of beer. Staropramen, Peroni Nastro Azzurri or Tennent's (which became my choice when I was in Edinburgh this summer) are beers that I have liked. Don't like darker beers like Guiness, ales, etc. at all.
I'm liking this one lately:

Currently sipping on lagunitas IPA eating dinner outside. PRetty good for the price. The wife and I agree on the flavor and the punch it provides.
If asked what my favourite beer was, probably Guinness (Heck, named one of my cats after it). But I tend to save it for special occasions.

Rickard's Red tends to be one of my go to beers, and my wife likes it too. Tennant's is pretty good, too.
Also, I like to have Sapporo or Asahi when we're out for sushi.
There's a lot of great little micro breweries in my region that make some pretty decent draught, if you know the right bars to go to.

A lot of days though, I'd rather a neat whiskey...
Well, you should know! LMAO. I didn't think we had spell checkers running around here. Cool. You should be a great help to me in the future because I'm too impatient to check everything I type. BTW, I gave your CanadiAN beer a thumbs up. Is this Ballbust 101? LOL I must have been flashing back to French Class. Yes, I went sometimes. ;D
Hey, it makes a difference to those of us who live here. Americans get really upset if we call them Gringos, which is what I hear it is in Mexican. (Calling @Onhell).
Working in a brewery brings many special treats because people just bring beer to the owner and he gives it to us. Tried the infamous Bourbon County Stout (2016) last night. It's very good, but I certainly couldn't drink a whole bottle nor would I wait in line for hours to get it. I think the barrel-aged imperial stout we make at Begyle is better.

I also shared a "Brain Damage" beer by Gigantic Brewery from Portland, OR. For some reason, this was on the label:

File Nov 26, 10 51 29 AM.jpeg
You want to know my taste in beer?

Jim Beam Apple and soda.

If it looks like piss, smells like piss, and tastes like piss, it's either beer or piss. I'm strictly hard liquor.
I had this beer after lunch and now I feel like I'm dying. Never again. Hope it passes before tomorrow night when I'm supposed to get properly drubl.