Official American Football Thread

Turnovers completely killed the Saints. And I know the Bucs killed the Packers in the season similar to last year with the 49ers, but I have a feeling things will be different this time around. It will be interesting to see what happens with Mahomes.
Oh well. At least I don't have to even think about football again until the fall.

Got the Daytona 500 in 3 weeks, then a few weeks later, pitchers & catchers report.

Life is good.
Pretty neat that the Superbowl is in Tampa and they'll get to play in their home stadium. First time that's ever happened.
But it's Brady. Again. It's sad how greedy he's become. He's had the most amazing legacy in all of NFL history and should retire and let someone else have a shot. And I hate that POS Suh. Go Chiefs!
He's the greatest player to ever play football, and he's still at that level. I'm not angry. I'm impressed. This time he's proven it's him, and not the system, not Bill Belicheck. It's all Brady.
Pretty neat that the Superbowl is in Tampa and they'll get to play in their home stadium. First time that's ever happened.
If they play like they did against the Packers they'll lose. (They didn't win that game, Packers lost it, and convincingly so.)
Will be rooting for the Chiefs anyway.
Not much of a football viewer but I am actually pretty excited for this one. It’s not often you get to watch legends of any medium in real time and seeing Brady smash records is exciting.

That said, I’m rooting for the Chiefs because football is a team sport and the Chiefs organization with Andy Reid and Mahomes has spent years cultivating a great team. They’ve earned it. I can’t help but feel that the Bucs simply bought their way to the championship by riding Brady’s coattails. Plus back-to-back super bowl champions would be cool.
Then who?
With the obvious disclaimers that I'm certainly not an expert, that I find it difficult to name "the greatest" whatever in any field, and that "the greatest" would mean different things to different people,

- Aaron Rodgers, for example, is, in my opinion, a more talented quarterback than Brady; for that matter, I find Mike Reilly from the often looked down upon CFL a more talented QB than Brady. There's many more NFL QBs whom I've enjoyed watching much more than Brady, e.g. Roethlisberger but I'll spare us all a list.
- I don't see why the greatest should automatically be a QB,
- I'm not even going into the ancient era with athletes such as Jim Thorpe, or players like Charley Trippi later.

So, I can't really say who and answer your question but I don't think Brady deserves that epithet. It's not all statistics.
Points well made and taken. Unfortunately, after countless similar debates regarding hockey, in pro sports results matter. Numbers. And Brady's numbers, especially super bowls, puts every quarter back to shame. Yes, he isn't the biggest, or fastest or more talented, but he's definitely the hardest working and that's yielded never before seen results.
He was definitely on fire today, but the Bucs defense was solid. If it hadn't been for KCs sloppy play and needless penalties the score would've been lower. Brady made them pay for their mistakes. The best example is the penalty on the field goal. That gave the Bucs a first down that ended in a TD.
Mahomes really got exposed hard in this game. Very overrated. I've been saying it for years now it just feels good to be vindicated. Honestly I think the Browns, Bills, and maybe even the Steelers would have put up a better fight.
With the obvious disclaimers that I'm certainly not an expert, that I find it difficult to name "the greatest" whatever in any field, and that "the greatest" would mean different things to different people,

- Aaron Rodgers, for example, is, in my opinion, a more talented quarterback than Brady; for that matter, I find Mike Reilly from the often looked down upon CFL a more talented QB than Brady. There's many more NFL QBs whom I've enjoyed watching much more than Brady, e.g. Roethlisberger but I'll spare us all a list.
- I don't see why the greatest should automatically be a QB,
- I'm not even going into the ancient era with athletes such as Jim Thorpe, or players like Charley Trippi later.

So, I can't really say who and answer your question but I don't think Brady deserves that epithet. It's not all statistics.
Rodgers is a choke artist who falls apart in big games. When the going gets tough he backs down. He's been padding his stats in a relatively downtrodden division for years. Now Brady stat padded too, I mean come on that division was garbage for years and gave him six easy games. However the difference is Brady steps up when the pressure is on and he performs to succeed where Rodgers will fail in these situations. We saw this in the NFC Championship game. Rodgers had two opportunities to run the ball either into the end zone or right up to the goal line, but he didn't. His cowardice got the best of him.
I am absolutely thrilled the Bears were able to get Justin Fields. For a team in desperate need of a franchise qb, this was the best possible outcome that could have happened via the draft.

In other good news, reports are that Aaron Rodgers is unhappy with the Packers and wants out of Green Bay. Now THAT would be something.