I binged all of season 1 for Yellowjackets yesterday while waiting for my final Amazon delivery. In just reading the description it's basically Alive but with a girls soccer team in the middle of the Pacific Northwest wilderness rather than a boys rugby team in the middle of the Andes. I liked that it went between the past and the future and I thought, wrongly, that it was mainly going to deal with how the survivors dealt with the trauma of the incident. Nope, it went all Sopranos meets X-files. Not sure how I feel about that, the show was good enough for me to keep watching and engaging enough for me to keep watching. Though it is mostly due to the incredibly strong performances, especially those of Juliette Lewis, Christina Ricci and Melanie Lynskey.
Started a couple of series on Netflix. The first is Russian Doll. I went into it with zero expectations, had no clue what it was about, but I kept seeing mostly positive reviews about it. Turns out it's nothing more than Groundhog's Day. I told my brother if I'm just at that age I've seen everything and there is nothing new. Like I said, Yellowjacket's is basically a reworked Alive, this is Groundhog's Day, homeless guy and all, with a dash of Happy Deathday (which also copied Grounhog's Day). The interesting thing in this one is that she's not the only one. She has a "reset" buddy, so that is enough of a twist for me to keep watching as we are following both in their journey to figure out why they keep resetting.

Also started Kleo, a German series supposedly based on a true story of an East German Stazie (sp?) assassin, who gets made, instead of killing her they imprison her on trumped up charges for life. Except that three years later the wall comes down, reunification begins and they release all political prisoners. So she does what all ex-assassins falsely imprisoned do... start hunting down all involved. So far it's pretty good. I'm doing the lazy thing and watching it in English, once I know what happens I'll watch again in German to practice my A -100 level of German haha.

Finally watched The Last Voyage of the Demeter. Based on the captain's log in Bram Stoker's Dracula. In other words we already know what happens... OR DO WE!? DUN DUN DUN. I can't say it's Alien/The Thing on a boat, because Stoker wrote Dracula WAY before either of those movies, but that's basically what it is. I LOVE the concept. This is something glossed over or hinted at in most adaptations, including Nosferatu. I thought the monster design was a nice nod to Nosferatu.
It's been like.... 20 years since I read Dracula so I don't remember the details of each character's journal/log, and I had the same feeling I got when I saw the first Hobbit movie also after having read the book like 15 years earlier. It looked... familiar, but off somehow. I don't remember them finding a woman, I don't remember a black doctor/astronomer and the like. If I remember correctly the log is fairly straightforward just recounting the day to day and how members of the crew start to disappear mysteriously. That being said, like mentioned above, it's a classic horror movie with a nice twist on the final girl. I enjoyed it. Not as good as I wanted it to be, good enough to enjoy it.
I just finished rewatching 'This Country', it's a British mockumentary format sitcom about two unemployed cousins living in the Cotswolds and their relationships with the locals. I love it!


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Since I literally had nothing better to do last night, I watched Barbie on Max just to see WTF the big deal was about. What I got was a very silly, cartoony movie that was mildly funny, moderately subversive, and didn't quite succeed at being touching. So, it was...fine. Better than you would expect a movie based on Barbie to be, but not much more than that.

So why did people go crazy over this, exactly...?
Since I literally had nothing better to do last night, I watched Barbie on Max just to see WTF the big deal was about. What I got was a very silly, cartoony movie that was mildly funny, moderately subversive, and didn't quite succeed at being touching. So, it was...fine. Better than you would expect a movie based on Barbie to be, but not much more than that.

So why did people go crazy over this, exactly...?
Maybe because it was a "fine" movie based on a toy? Like.... remember the Ninja Turtle movies from the 90s? I watch them now without the nostalgia goggles and they absolutely suck. The live action Mario movie from the 90s? absolute garbage, any article claiming otherwise is high, drunk, nostalgic or all of the above. This movie had A-list actors and managed to be, as you put it so well.... fine. That's more than the last three Star Wars movies managed to be, most of the MCU post Endgame, and literally like 90% of releases have managed. Like... the movies that are DOMINATING right now are Godzilla Minus One and The Boy and the Heron. a "silly" monster movie and Japanese Disney. People are done with Tom Cruise, MCU and actual Disney as evidenced by the abysmal numbers from the latest Mission Impossible, The Marvels, The Haunted Mansion and Elemental (which, surprisingly is doing extremely well on Disney+)
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From the picture it looks like Hell is in fact not a bad place…
Recently seen films that I really liked:

Inglourious Basterds - damn, that was highly enjoyable. Best Tarantino film?

City of God - authentic Brazilian ghetto life. Cruel and captivating.

Rango - western style animated film with hysterically funny animals.

I also watched The Hateful Eight (what a disappointing ending), Requiem for a Dream, There Will Be Blood, and rewatched Fight Club.
Lately I'm watching a lot of old movies from the golden age of Film Noir. (You can see a lot from the Internet Archive)
Yesterday I've seen this old movie. I have to say it was great.
Fallen Angel (1945)

The first movie I've seen this year in 2024 is Airplane II: The Sequel