Just finished The Wire. While I can't proclaim it the best show I've ever seen, it's definitely up there. Extremely well-written.

Now part of me really wants to see a spin-off show with president Littlefinger. :p

Up next I think I'll check out Ozark.
Just finished The Wire. While I can't proclaim it the best show I've ever seen, it's definitely up there. Extremely well-written.

Now part of me really wants to see a spin-off show with president Littlefinger. :p

Up next I think I'll check out Ozark.

I’m in the latter half of Season 3 right now and I’m still waiting to see what people say makes this the best show ever. It’s incredibly well done and it was far ahead of its time in terms of the scope of storytelling and the depth of characters, but it’s simply not hitting the personal feels of better shows.
Currently watching Hacksaw Ridge. So far it's great, Andrew Garfield is brilliant in the lead role.
Currently two episodes into Twin Peaks, the old one. I like the FBI man.

Love agent Cooper. The original Twin Peaks was good, but I feel it had A LOT of pointless filler episodes, specially season 2. The "sequel" was really good too, not as much Coop being Coop, but very much worth it. Fucking owls lol
Loved all of Twin Peaks, though admittedly Season Two gets a little lame. Season 3 aka The Return is absolute insanity and essential, challenging material for all TV viewers.
A day after the fair again, but we discovered Black Mirror yesterday. And it's truly outstanding, indeed.

So far we've seen Hang the DJ, National Anthem, 15 Mil Merits and The Entire History of You and I can't even pick my favourite. Okay, just for once, I really liked that DJ wasn't as nihilistically bleak as the others. Anyway, a marvelous show. Its cynical view of today's society makes it seem very conservative in nature, BTW (well, just like Steely Dan, right?). I believe even Flannery O'Connor might have appreciated it.
Black Mirror is amazing. You can tell they're influenced by other sci-fi/dystopian societies. Like 15 mil merits reminded me a lot of Network.
I really like Gettysburg.
Wasn't going to get the entire film watched last night (close, but didn't start watching it until the back of 8 o'clock), so decided to cut it short just before Pickett's Charge. Will pick up from where we left off tonight & finish this monster. It would make a great, great drinking game film. For example, everyone gets a couple of speeches. That could be used.
Just watched Pier Paolo Pasolini's Il Vangelio Secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to St. Mathew) Only recently herald by the Vatican as the best depiction of Christ on film, back in 1964 it was heavily criticized. The voice-over introducing the film stated that it was a low-budget film with the cast composed mainly of family and friends. "Low budget" was an understatement LOL. It has a film student quality to it, but as the film progresses you fall into its rythm become hypnotized by the dialogue which is the one found in the gospel word for word. I think the reason it is hailed as the best depiction of Christ is the same reason it was heavily criticized when it was released. It shows a very human Jesus, who raises his voice pretty often, showing a wider range of emotion than say... in King of Kings. Pasolini thought himself a "Catholic Communist" which I think aided in his sober rendition. I don't know about "great film," but definitely really good and worth a watch.
Rewatched Manhunt: Unabomber on Netflix. I was telling my mom about it and thought it best to just rewatch it with her. When it ended all she said was, "I didn't like it." "Oh? Why?" Then she floored me with this, "Nobody got any justice. Not the FBI guy for his work, nor the Unabomber for what they did to him in Harvard or the victims really. Just sad." I had to agree with her on that last sentiment. The first time I watched it I was simply in awe, this time around I was more aware of how tragic it all was, for everyone, indeed just... sad.