I really wonder how the new version will take care of the book - especially since the themes, athmosphere and the overall meaning is not really easy to put to screen.
BTW, seen Gladiator, A Man for All Seasons (the original 1966 version) and Therese (1986) lately. The only highlight (and the reason for my current avatar) was AMFAS - a wonderful story, clever and resonant. St. Thomas More was a gentleman and a scholar, if there ever was one. I have seen Gladiator for the first time and I admit I was pretty underwhelmed. Yep, the ending is a regular tearjerker, but especially the first third of the movie is pretty bad, IMHO. The actors behave weirdly, even Crowe whom I love, the screenplay is often heavy-handed and full of clichés and in general I somehow regretted I haven't seen the movie in high school as many people around me have.I might just still be under the spell of Ben Hur that did all of that 50 years earlier, but still. Without Zimmer, I wonder whether I would feel any emotions at all until the very end.
Therese is just... weird. From the filmmaking point of view, actually, possibly also from the theological point of view... pretty much generally. It was very interesting and unusual movie, that's for sure, and it quite aptly managed to convey the whole "mystic" stuff, but it's not my favourite and I definitely won't be coming back to it anytime soon.