I read that, yes. 

Then do lots of reading on the case, and realize how very slanted the documentary is. Still fantastic.just watch it without reading anything.
Biggest snub - visual effects for Ex Machina... Come on. Winning against Star Wars? Joke.
Besides all of that, Chris Rock was a fail. The whole racism drama was unbearable to watch.
Chris Rock has always been a racial comedian, no surprises that he took the controversy and played around with it. Personally not a big fan of his. (Not because he's a racial comic, one of the great comics of all time was a racial comic: Richard Pryor)
The whole film is supported by both big and more subtle effects - take them away and you have no Star Wars. Fans loved TFA because it 'looked and felt like Star Wars' and VFX played a big part in achieving that success. Groundbreaking aside (because none of the nominees were), I think that effects were the most crucial here and the gigantic amount of work put into it should be appreciated. I see your point about Ex Machina but let's not forget we're talking about a pretty technical award here and you seem to focus on the overall design and atmosphere.Now look, I loved Star Wars as much as the next nerd. It was more or less the film I wanted to see. It had some problems, but maybe I'll write about those some other day. But let's not overrate it. It was engineered to look like it could have been made in 1977, and we're all really glad about that. However, the consequence is that it doesn't have any groundbreaking effects by today's standards. It didn't give us anything we haven't seen before. And it wasn't supposed to. That was the whole point of it. But if we're being honest, that doesn't even justify a best visuals nomination.
Sound - 100% worthy.I'm not sure if there was anything Oscar worthy about it.
Nah, I like the technical Oscars. They're a telling picture of who actually worked hard on the thing.Sound - 100% worthy.
Btw. Random remark - The Academy should totally ditch the song category.Maybe they could introduce something more contemporary instead. Besides, I think the sound categories could be merged into just 'best sound'...