Ok then, by way of a change...

A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie

This is the first book in the second trilogy in the same world by this chap. I like it quite a bit.
I've never read Game of Thrones but from watchin the tv show I would describe this guy as some kind of GoT/Terry Pratchett mix. Its gritty, violent, darkly comic and often absurd. I'm nearly finished and the second book is due in September this year. A short enough wait to enjoy the anticipation but not get pissed off.

If you like the sound of this then check out The First Law trilogy. Basically various wars and political subterfuge in different parts of the world with some magic thrown in.

Anyway, currently I'm reading a lot of stuff for school... I try to continue with Malazan (I'm halfway in Stonewielder), but my reading schedule and discipline has dropped severely. Need to put myself together.

Oh, also reading Naši - a ten-book chronicle of a certain Czech village as it existed around 1850-1870ish, by Josef Holeček. A very wonderful read, keeps my ... pecker up, do the Brits say? Anyway, if they do, so it does.
Sounds like a riot :D

Yeah, true, but... well, in these crazy times, Covid and all, it gives you some kind of peace of mind. It's very well written, it just breathes out calmness, stability, piousness, love for nature and domestic animals and so on.

Must say I really needed that about a month ago and I'm not really ashamed to admit it. Heck, I need it still, I'd say.
Actually does sound good when you put it like that. Maybe not 10 books worth though...
I have a similar kind of thing about oak trees. I got it for my partner for her recent birthday but it was really for me.
Glad you found some solace durin the aul lockdown carry on. Personally, I have not needed it. I loved the 9 weeks off work on full pay. I've been back at work for 2 weeks, its now that I need solace or escapism*
