And you've summed up Catch 22 in one sentence Well done. It's an excellent book. I also found it difficult when I first attempted it. When I came back in my mid-20s (after university-level English classes) I found it to be a much more accessible read.he's a part so small of the whole war that basically no one but him cares about whether he dies or not.
I read Catch-22 about three years ago, and I felt it was almost impossible to figure out what was going on at first, but pretty soon accepted that this was intentional, and basically couldn't put it down afterwards. The sudden switch from its grotesque absurdity to dark seriousness towards the end hit me like a punch in the guts, and the panoramic stroll through Rome is one of the most memorable things I have ever read, perhaps not in detail, but in impact. A true masterpiece, and one of the defining novels of the 20th century.
If you like Dickens, my favorite is Bleak House. The lawyer Tulkinghorn is one of the great villains in literature.Just finished reading A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and greatly enjoyed it. Simply could not stop reading after one point.
Trying to go through some classics this summer.
Yes.The J.R.R. Tolkien Topic (publications and adaptations), by Maidenfans. At Page 21 now.
Any idea who might be holding the film rights?