I did all the Sherlock Holmes stories in that order as well.
(And still busy with Jethro Tull as well; next one --> 1982)
I used to be. Sadly, a part of my collection vanished mysteriously somethwhere between moving flats several years ago. :(
How could that happen? Let me see, I've lived in Sofia for 14 years and I have changed 9 flats so far.
Paperback mostly. Hardcover is extremely rare here because it's too expensive and doesn't generate much revenue. People rarely buy books.
I see!

Same here. Buying everything in hardcover will be too expensive so for the majority of the King bibliography I will turn to paperbacks - also partly because I actually intend on reading the books and not just displaying them! But for some of the books (my favorites usually) I'll try and perhaps replace with hardcovers. I also like to get other editions at the Amazon marketplace...often I prefer older/original covers over newer more "modernized" book covers.
Finished The Wind Through The Keyhole yesterday. A good story, and one I wished I had read before Wolves of the Calla. It is another one of Roland's flashbacks, though not so extended as that in Wizard and Glass. Maybe it gives only one bit of new information, but if that is the only new thing - it is a good one that sheds some more light on the character of Roland.

So why was it necessary for King to write a The Dark Tower 4.5? Because it bridges the two halfs of the series thematically, and the last three books is now more connected with the rest. It is not King going George Lucas, say thankee sai.
I was really worried about that. Wizard and Glass was the hardest book in the series for me to read. It actually killed my interest in the Dark Tower for quite some time.
Has anyone here read Iain Banks' The Wasp Factory?
I picked it up just to read something on a train journey once and was drawn in by the craziness of the first page alone. It's quite disturbing in many ways, but written with very quirky black humour.
One particular chapter remains to this day the only piece of writing that has actually made me retch.
I'm currently reading a short story collection by David Foster Wallace called Oblivion


I also started reading Stephen King's Carrie and I ALSO have my eyes on a fantasy novel series by Gene Wolfe called The Book of The New Sun
Has anyone here read Iain Banks' The Wasp Factory?
I picked it up just to read something on a train journey once and was drawn in by the craziness of the first page alone. It's quite disturbing in many ways, but written with very quirky black humour.
One particular chapter remains to this day the only piece of writing that has actually made me retch.

The Poo That Took A Pee? LOL
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations

Will let you know how my attempt at becoming Natalie the Sage goes.
Iain Banks, of The Wasp Factory fame has just revealed he's terminally ill. He says he only has a few months of life left, and his current book in progress will be his last.