I know, but I tried VI and wasn't able to get past the first 10 minutes. I'm terrible at games that require on-the-fly strategizing.They're pretty good games.
Megadeth - Sweating Bullets
What are the lyrics to this song about?
Ah, good. I was slightly worried about whether it was about (what was earlier called) MPD. The song's a lot more fun to listen to when framed as being about parts of oneself instead of MPD.According to Dave:
"I wrote that about myself. It was pointed out to me that I’m kind of schizophrenic and that I live inside my head. Which is something I don’t subscribe to, but I enjoyed the theory nonetheless. I think all of us are sweating bullets all the time. Society’s a joke right now, and people are getting more and more hostile. When you think about having an evil twin or schizophrenia, I think a lot of us are schizo, because we live inside our heads. There’s someone we all confer with; it’s called our conscience. Some people cannot control their other side; it takes them over. Everybody has that psychotic side. Everyone has a thing that will make them snap."
I love Hogarth era but as a new Marillion fan not knowledge enough to recommend specific material yet; hopefully a member who has been fan longer can make recommendations for youGuys, please recommend me best Hogarth era Marillion albums. Which are considered the best. (I like Fish era Marillion a lot)