Ancient Mariner
(the "Parental Advisory" sticker is really funny)
Just to let people know (if they were in doubt) that no, the lyrics aren't any better

(the "Parental Advisory" sticker is really funny)
(the "Parental Advisory" sticker is really funny)
Also that real interview bit they have with serial killer Arthur Shawcross as an intro to one of the songs...
Yeah, but when you see two corpses performing cunnilingus right on the freakin' cover do you really need to have any sort of advisory sticker?
I've always wondered - and I'm honestly curious, not trying to be a dick or anything - why is everybody so crazy about Slayer when Kreator did almost everything much better. They are/were no less brutal, they had better riffs, more tolerable singer and they were most of all much more consistent throughout their career. (Is it just because of Lombardo?) In the brutal thrash subgenre they really have no equal - Sodom and Destruction were inconsistent af, Sepultura left the genre very soon, Morbid Saint only released, like, one album, so did Slaughter (or did they release anything after Strappado?) and Slayer have King, Repentless, GHUA and Diabolus... I guess you might say early Dark Angel, with the added bonus of being fast as fuck.
But still, somewhere the "SLAYEEEER" preference must have started and I would really like to know where and how.