Iron Maiden - Killers

I love the sound and the riffs in this album...
Speaking of the sound of Killers, I found something really curious (check it out here) - Martin Birch has suggested the live recording/production in the studio! It's strange, I don't hear ''live feel'' in Killers compared to the Reunion era albums.

Birch knew how to make the band feel at ease in the studio. To get the best performances out of the young group, he set them up in the middle of the room and had them perform live. Overdubs would be worked out later, and Birch told them to “just play the songs as you would live, and we’ll work from there.”

“I’d always been interested in getting the natural sound a band produces themselves on stage, and with Maiden I tried to capture that as much as I could. So, to begin with, we just concentrated on capturing their natural sound and put little overdubs on afterwards.”

It’s interesting to note that this method of putting down album tracks is the very same that Maiden would revert to much later with the current producer Kevin Shirley. It’s clear that the live DNA is strong in Maiden, maybe particularly in Harris, and a producer needs to know how to work this into the recording process.